"Reverse Redemption"

Start from the beginning

            "That's a really nice frame, too," said Montrell.

            "Look at me. I was so happy back then. I was always so nice and sweet to everyone. Now, I'm bitter half the time and stressed out about everything." He shook his head and shrugged off the nostalgia before saying, "The past is the past. And today is my birthday, so I am not gonna waste any more of my time crying about nonsense. Let's go to the mall so I can find something fly to wear to my birthday party at Apollo's Secret this weekend."

            While the three of them were heading to the mall in Demetrius's car, Roderick walked to a nearby grocery store where he'd parked the midnight blue 2005 Honda Accord Escobar had gotten for him to make his runs. The car was registered in one of Escobar's babymamas' name and Roderick was careful not to park it any areas where anyone would notice him driving it. He'd already worked out a deal with Escobar and the Dominicans and was about to pick up his first package from them when Reece called.

            "Reece, make it quick," he said after answering the call. "I'm busy, baby."

            "Busy with what?" asked Reece on the other end. "Buyin' that bitch another gift? I saw you put the gift in your locker this morning and it's the hazel-eyed monster's birthday."

            "So, what? Reece, it's just a fuckin' gift. I don't have time for this shit!"

            "Nigga, I don't want you gettin' gifts for him! You are my boyfriend and I hate the bitch, so you're supposed to hate his ass, too. He fuckin' dumped you!"

            "Yeah, I know. Are you done? Because you're holdin' me up from somethin' important."

            "Where are you goin'?"

            "To handle some business."

            "You takin' an Uber or Lyft? I'll be home in a few minutes, come get me."

            "Reece, I can't."

            "Why not?"

            "Oh my God, why are you bein' like this? Over a fuckin' birthday gift for Jacory?"

            "What was the gift?"

            "Look, I ain't got time for this shit. I'll hit you up later." He ended the call and not a second after he started the car, Reece called him again. He turned his phone off and then pulled out of the parking space.

            He honestly wasn't trying to cause any trouble between him and Reece or between him and Nate by giving Jacory the birthday gift. The truth was that he didn't have much money and since he had several photos of him and Jacory from their five-year relationship, he thought it would be cool to give Jacory something that would remind him of a simpler and happier time. He remembered Jacory telling him that that night was perfect and that their first time making love was special. Their relationship was over but it didn't mean they were barred from reminiscing.

            Blocking everything nonbusiness related from his mind, he drove to the westside to a neighborhood known as La Tierra Prometida, or The Promised Land. He parked two blocks away from the rowhouse that Nico and Juan Santiago used as their stash house. He walked to the rowhouse and did the special handshake with the man standing below the stoop for security. The man let him go up and he pressed the buzzer.

            "¿Quién es?" asked Juan through the speaker.

            "Déjame entrar, es Rod," replied Roderick.

            The automated lock unlatched and Roderick opened the door and entered the house. The strong smell of weed hit him harder and harder the deeper he went into the house. He found the two Dominican brothers smoking weed and sorting pills. Although he'd had problems in the past with some of the guys in the game, Roderick never had a problem with the Dominicans and they never had a problem with him. They preferred to work with Escobar's lieutenants instead of with Escobar directly because he denied his Dominican heritage and only embraced his African American heritage. They especially preferred to work with Roderick because of his loyalty and respect for detail.

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