Chapter 10

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you wake up snuggled into gally his arm wrapped around you

"morning princes"

you roll over causing a sharp pain down your side 

"easy there i don't want you to hurt yourself gallys helps you slowly stand up you throw him out your hut so you can get dressed you grab your crutchers from the side of the bed and start to make your way over to the kitchen you smile at chuck on the way he seems like a nice kid but you haven't spoke to him but it's polite to smile at people  also you don't want to seem unapproachable. you walk over to the counter and talk to frypan for a few minutes he's clearly forgiven you for your kitchen disaster at this point. you sit down at a table with newt minho the greenie and alby you start talking and for the first time you feel like a normal teenage girl even gally joins you eventually. you would love to get out the glade you hate the place but its starting to feel like some sort of home in some twisted way. after finishing your food you kiss gally on the cheek minho does a fake gag as newt rolls his eyes you stick your middle finger up at them as you walk over to the medjack hut.

"ey clint you got any more of them painkillers" 

you sit down on your chair in the corner clint comes back with a glass of water and some pills you take them

"since i've got nothing better to fo you guys want me to do the inventory"

"sure you might as well all the medical supplies are in the back" jeff replies

"grate give me 5 then ill do it" 

you start to unpack the boxed your eyes feel droopy so you sit down in the corner and accidentally fall asleep 

 yourself in the white room not again you think you try to wake up but you can't klunk not again you notice that your stuck to a table your limbs feel stiff you scream for help completely forgetting that your in a dream a feeling of being helpless consumes you the familiar voice returns "STIFF" it says over and over 

you wake up a few tears running down your cheeks how many more god damm dreams can you have with the stupid words that mean god damn nothing you get angry and throw your crutchers to the ground  you want to scream at the top of your lungs but then everybody would come running in to see if you were okay. 

(to anybody who thinks they seen this in the last chapter they did i got the code in the wrong order so i went back and edited sorry) 

*TRIGGER WARNING* (use of drugs if you don't want to read skip to Elizabeth's Pov) 

 you unload the next box and find liquid gold why didn't clint tell you that they had morphine you didn't have to be in pain surely nobody would miss one dose right and your the one doing the inventory so nobody will notice you inject the syringe into your arm feeling it pump around your system you felt calm and relaxed and not in pain for the first time  since you remember which of course isn't very long  but you needed more you inject a second needle into the vain in your arm then a third.

the room starts to spin and you fall onto the floor with a giggle Jeff and Clint bust into the room they give each other a look clint grabs a flashlight and shines it in your eyes making you giggle 

Clints Pov 

me and jeff run into the room elizabeth on the floor laughing i notice 3 syringes on the floor i pick them up for shuck sake what the shuck do we do now

"check her shucking pupils" i bark at jeff this bloody girl is more effort than shes shucking worth shes a good medic yes but she's as thick as thieves 

"umm clint her pupil are dilated 34% what do we do now we cant tell Newt or Alby they will flip then that's her out the role which i have to admit we kinda need her"

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