Chapter 2

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i woke up and gasped in for air i  was in the pitch black i didn't know where i was or for a matter of fact who i was i noticed i was in a box like container i fought back the nausea i was facing i gathered that the box was moving upwards. i tried to look around to find a weapon but my body wouldn't let me it felt like i was in a nightmare but intensified 1000 times i told myself it was time to wake up but nothing happened, at this  point i was in full panic mode i couldn't  breath it was as if something was knocking the air out my lungs. i was suddenly blinded by a light i moved my hand to cover my eyes as someone dropped down.

i scattred to hide behind a box and tried to get my breathing under control i heard a voice say "someone go get Newt or Alby " 

the figure knelt down beside me they spoke softly this time 

"hey greenie welcome to the glade i get that your scared hell we all where but your part of the family now am gally so why don't we get you out this box" 

you nod and as take his hand to get up fighting the urge to throw up or flop back down you say "my name is elizabeth not greenie"

the figure chuckles "its greenie until the next one comes up"

you climb out the box with a little help from gally when your own the soft grass you notice 50 or so boys staring at you like your there new toy. 

"i call dibs"

"woah is she hot"

"bet she will be a slooper"

you glance around finding that your the only girl you start to panic again and drop to the ground. you  feel a comforting hand on your back telling you to breath in and out you try you knew it was gally by the sound of their voice.  but nothing seemed to work all the eyes staring at you dont help now everybody will see you as the weak girl and that's what you didn't need if you were going to survive here. you hear a voice shout

 "thats it shows over all you shanks get back to work"

 you glance over and see two people you immediately recognize one was newt your twin brother. he looks at you with a puzzled look before he says 

"Elizabeth is that you" 

he rushes over to your side and engulf you in a hug after awhile you managed to get your breathing under control he said 

"how did i forget i had a twin sister " 

Alby came over to you

 "Newt take her to the med jacks and get her some food of frypan  then come and find me  we can make some arrangement for Elizabeth"

 newt nodded and helped you walk towards a wooden building Newt introduces you to cliff and jeff you start talking about injuries and treatments even though you have no idea how you knew so much about medicine. maybe it was your passion before you were sent up by the creators you thought. although you wouldn't remember if it was. Once you have been given the all clear you follow Newt to what looks like a dinner hall you sit down at a table not shortly after Newt returned with two plates of food as you ate he explained that from tomorrow you would be given a tour of the glade and everything would be explained then you will know what job you wanted to pick i already knew  i would ask to be a medjack none of the other jobs sounded interesting to you. 

a short while later newt left everybody started to stare at you start to feel a anxious wave in your stomach you know that you never dealt well with attention this was going you hear a loud bang and look up to see gally stood up

 " if one of you look at elizabeth like a piece of meat or a object again ill personally have  you thrown in the pit now get back to eating you shanks"

 i felt anger rising in me i don't need anybody to fight my battles for me before i could do something stupid i stormed out and sat behind  the structure soon after gally followed after you before you even thought you spat out 

" you know i don't need you to fight my battles for me am perfectly capable you know"

 "yes because that's what it looked like from where i was sat" 

"whatever" you say as you  brage past gally to go find newt and when you do  he explains that until a hut can be built for you would stay with him you didn't object to this as Newt was your brother you knew he would never purposely hurt you.

 a few hours later your at the bonfire to celebrate your arrival at the glade your drinking some foul concoction that is apparently gallys secret recipe you chat to Minho and Newt. you watch gally fight other gladers from the corner of your eye. before you know it your walking to the ring you wasn't sure if it was you or the strange drink doing the thinking once your in the ring everybody cheers your name and Newt shoots you a worried look you instantly regret what you just did but the was no backing down now.

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