homare arisugawa • new found inspiration~

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hey heyy I'm ~ ✨alive✨ aye and it is homare's birthdayyyy hoorah!! so here's a chapter for our poet 💖 //tho not a birthday themed one I apologi—







Homare Arisugawa was uncharacteristically quiet at this very moment.

All the creativity he has..... they suddenly... vanished.

Shocking right? He didn't even bother his roommate.  Who's a bit shocked, but dozed off asap knowing that the taller male will come back to his old self.

As of now he was just walking through Veludo, he probably explored every place by now and still nothing. To busy thinking about what to do next he doesn't seem to see a person on the way.

"Oh my, apologies for my mistake for I was not looking to where I was going-"

He was shocked almost literally... the moment he helped you up. There was a spark, people said that when actual sparks come to life. It means that you have found your soulmate.

And this wonderful creature was his soulmate.

You seem to realize this as well by now looking at one another. The poet, seemed flustered. He himself was not really used to this kind of feeling. Even with his former significant other from before that shattered his heart, this.. this,  feeling is different. Genuine even.

He did not know that this moment  was all he need to be inspired, to create the most beautiful art! with the power of love!!

Homare then grabbed one of your hand, the one that he was holding from when you fell. Closer to his heart which got you flustered and stuttering.

"Hear and feel the beating of my heart.. the wonderful feeling, blooming, with passion and emotion~ very new~ very true~ you are my new found inspiration to a new and improve~ work of art!" he cited, with passion out loud while still holding your hand.

People started to look at the both of you after his poetic outburst. With both awe and confusion there were also another pair of young men, one boy with green hair and a brunette that shows a face of second hand embarrassment.

Looking at the taller man in front of you, you also took his hand and said "this.. is all new to me as well... why don't we get to know one another well yes?" now squeezing the red-heads' hand while smiling gently at him.

"*ehem* Why, yes of course.. my apologies again for bumping into you. For I do feel bad the most... may I perhaps buy you a beverage? to make it up to you? Or another wonderful poem of mine~!" homare said with his.. smile

Chuckling lightly of this, you then proceed to walk towards a cute cafe you were planning to go to.  "I don't mind! Please do accompany me Arisugawa-san." you said while going a bit further.

"Yes, yes of—  oh! you seem to already know my name." smiling slightly with a bit of blush, "you see I actually read some of your work for awhile now.. I never would've thought that I'd meet one of my favorite author!" ending your sentence with a bright smile.

Homare was, all over the moon at this! his new found partner at soul and new found inspiration.. who also appreciates his beautiful art!

<< ..'°.•.*.STORY CLEARED.•°*.'°.•..>>







Again a bit short but :')) I just want to try and write something again 👉👈 and my love for this man is 😔✨✨✨

see you on the next one! –storberimolk

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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