This made y/n smile, she barely ever saw him smiling, she checked her watch again and she had to leave, but she still didn't know who he could've been giving those flowers too.

She began walking to the whomping willow but she seen the boys shoes were already left outside.

She hit a certain branch on the tree with her wand making the whole tree freeze, just ling enough to let her in.

She made her way along the wooden flooring, it freaked beneath her feet and the leaves crunched.

She went into the main bedroom and seen the boys around remus, as soon as she moved the door a bit the boys turned fiercly with wand at the ready.

"Hey it's just me cool your jets." She said softly with a chuckle, Remus laid on the bed trying to get any type of sleep before his transformation, he snored softly.

"How's he doing so far?"She asked.

"He's okay, but it'll start any minute now." Peter said quietly.

Y/n looked to james who looked a bit stressed but mostly prepared and Sirius was looking at Remus with sorrow.

Sirius eventually walked to the old piano and leaned against it facing away from the others, y/n went to her to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

She didn't say anything but then he sighed.

"Why him? Why should he have to go through it?" Sirius asked quietly enough only so y/n heard.

"I know sirius, it hurts more to see him like this."

"I hate seeing him like this Rose, i care about him." She could see small tears brimming in his eyes.

"I know Sirius, I know you care the most out of the Marauders, but it's just for tonight and then he'll be okay." She gave a soft smile which he returned, then it began.

Remus began groaning and turning, James and Peter stood with y/n and Sirius and went into their animagus form.

James was a large stag, Peter a rat, Sirius was a black dog and y/n's was a Russian blue cat. The piercing blue eyes shone in the moonlight, she was a small grey cat.

Remus began screaming and yelling in pain, his voice getting hoarse. He began crying and eventually the yells of pain began sounding like growls, it was almost over, Sirius was in his dog form and pouted softly at the sound of his pain.

It had finally finished and they faced the beast in front of them.

It got on all fours and came over to the four, it sniffed them all and finally got to the cat.

It was almost distracted by it's eyes, the cat gave a small meow which shocked the creature, the cat began walking and the werewolf followed her slowly.

The others followed and they all left the whomping willow, they went into the forbidden forest and the creature started running about with the black dog, the cat however was small so she jumped on the stags head.

She meowed loudly causing the creature to stop and look, the stag huffed as if it were telling her to get off and stop joking around.

The creature went closer to the stag and cat and reached out to touch the cat, the stag huffed again but the cat refused to move.

Sweet as sugar (Regulus Black x Hufflepuff reader)Where stories live. Discover now