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They began with the first year. The new students. Full of hope. Most of them saw the war only by the corpses brought back home and even though it was horrible, they didn't experience the same trauma as the older kids. While they were getting sorted, all the other students were in a line, starting in the Great Hall and ending in the linked hallway. The eleven years old were sorted pretty much equally between the four houses.

Then the second years. Once again a quarter went to Gryffindor, a quarter to Hufflepuff, a quarter to Ravenclaw and a quarter to Slytherin. Then the same for the third year. Fourth year had more Ravenclaws. Fifth had more Slytherin. Sixth had more Hufflepuffs and Gryffindor. Some transfers caused surprise amongst the crowd but that was to expect.

Came seventh year. Last year, these students had been on the front line with the ones one year older. They had been advanced enough to defend themselves and others during the battle of Hogwarts. They all looked grim, like a dementor had sucked the joy out of them. A thing that had actually happened to some.

Students got directed to their new house gradually. Names after names.

"Lovegood, Luna."
After the way the blonde pushed back Death Eaters at the ministry, the way she survived, held prisoner in the Malfoy Manor's dungeon, the way she fought during the battle of Hogwart, this was no surprise. It had taken all the courage in the world to heal the fighters and cover the deads with a blanket. She had volunteered for that task. Nobody asked but everyone was grateful for the girl doing a job she should've never had to do at this age.

Other students got up on the stage and sat on the banc, the Sorting Hat doing what it always did. The seventh years sorting ended with no surprise.

"Weasley, Ginerva."

Eight years entered the Great Hall. If it was possible, some of them looked worst then the group before. However, and to everyone's confusion, Harry Potter seemed in a relatively good mood. Now, those who really knew him saw right through his mask. Even after he saved the world, the Boy Who Lived felt responsible. He probably told himself that showing a strong front, a positive attitude, would calm the younger students. If the Magic World's saviour was happy, why wouldn't they be?

With apprehensive glances, got called the first eight year.

"Abbott, Hanna."

"Bones, Susan."
Susan's aunt, an Auror, died during the war and she was the only person in the whole family who could actually defend the rest. Inspired by the older woman, the young girl decided to become the best possible. I now know that everything could unravel at any given moment and if that happens, i need to be able to defend my family, she had said to her friends, who all understood the change in the girl's character.

"Boot, Terry."

"Brocklehurst, Mandy."

"Chang, Cho."

"Corner, Micheal."

"Finch-Fletchley, Justin."
Scared of the way he almost died multiple times in the last year, Justin had decided to plan his whole life ahead of him. Along with this obsession of knowing anything that could happen to him and how to deal with it, he became the stereotypical Ravenclaw, literally wearing ties and carrying books everywhere he went.

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