■ A temporary farewell■

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My phone pinged on my dresser. I held my braids up in a high ponytail before picking it up and looking at the message. It showed that Yohann was waiting for me outside. I smiled as I studied my reflection in the mirror. A clear eyed, oval faced, brown skinned girl with high cheekbones and rosy pink lips smiled back at me.

It had been almost a month since Yohann and I went on our first...outing and we had gotten closer within that time. He had become my closest and only friend. He made me laugh even though I felt like strangling him sometimes. I seemed to forget all my worries when I was around him. However, I was very cautious of how attached I was to him. It made me seem distant sometimes but I couldn't help it.

I had learnt my lesson after what happened with Ken and I had vowed to never repeat my mistakes. Yohann however, seemed determined to be available for me. His openness scared me sometimes, if I was being honest because I didn't want to end up caring more than necessary. But he made it very hard not to care for him.

My phone pinged again as I stepped into my slippers. Giving my reflection one last look of approval, I walked out of the bedroom and into the living room. Harley and Tom were playing with each other and barely paid me any attention as I walked past them. Shutting the front door behind me, I locked it and turned to face the six foot something man leaning on the black Benz. He was dressed in a black tank top, leaving his toned arms bare, and blue black joggers.

Small tendrils of his curly hair fell over his forehead as he looked down at his phone. Smiling , I shoved my hands into the pockets of my shorts as I leisurely walked towards him. He looked up when I was a few feet away and flashed me a dimpled smile." Hey."

"Hey.", I responded with a wider smile. I grinned when he gently pulled me into an embrace.

"You look lovely." ,he remarked when we pulled away from each other. I chuckled, looking down at my flimsy sleeveless shirt and mid thigh shorts.

"You too." ,I countered as he opened the door for me. He shut it after I settled into my seat and walked to his side of the car. He had asked me to teach him how to cook jollof since he had heard a lot about it but never tasted it. And I had agreed. So, we were heading to the market for the ingredients.

Almost two hours later, we shuffled back into my apartment. I grunted as I dumped the heavy bags I was holding on the kitchen island. Yohann calmly walked in behind me and set his load beside mine. Leaning on he counter, he folded his arms and smirked at my panting form. "I told you to let me carry it."

Not deeming to give him a reply, I scowled as I made my way to the fridge for a bottle of water. I felt my breath even out as the cool liquid coursed down my chest. Yohann chuckled and shook his head.

After finishing the bottle, I tossed it into the plastic bin and walked to the sink. "Come on, let's start.", I said as I washed my hands . Yohann waited till I finished before following my lead. When he finished, he joined me at the counter as I separated the ingredients and washed the vegetables.

"Jollof,", he breathed, rubbing his hands together excitedly. "I can't wait to taste it. I've heard so much about it from Shalewa, she's my friend from Nigeria, but I never got the chance to taste it."

"Ghanaian jollof is a bit different, ", I chuckled. "I'm sure you won't be disappointed. "

Yohann grinned and we worked in comfortable silence after that.


"No no,", I laughed. Yohann cocked an eyebrow at me and I shook my head and walked to stand beside him.

"Four quarters. Cut them into four quarters. ", I instructed.

He nodded in understanding before going back to do the wrong thing again. His brows were furrowed in concentration as he butchered the poor onion. I couldn't get over how cute he looked at that moment.

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