I smile and go back to our cars and drive to Hallsway. I park again and Josh's car gets alot of attention. The girls are all whispering about him and I roll your eyes.

I get my bag from the back and lock my car. I go into school and find my locker. I check my timetable and grab a blue ocean notebook, a mini pencil case and a study book for your first lecture.

I make a password combination and put my phone, apartment keys and car keys in your skirt pocket. I quickly put on some lipgloss and lock the locker. I find my way to the english lecture hall and wait outside on my phone.

When the bell goes, the door opens and a female professor comes out. She smiles at us all and let's us in. I look at the lecture hall and smile. I take a seat at the front and set up my stuff. While I'm writing the date in your notepad, a girl sits next to me. I smile at her and she smiles back.

M: 'Hi I'm Mia Henderson'

You smile.

Y: 'I'm Blair Davenports'

M: 'So where you from?'

Y: 'New York City originally but I moved to Las Vegas when I was 10,'

M: 'Thought you had a NYC accent, I'm from Jersey,'

We shake hands.

M: 'So what are you majoring in?'

Y: 'English Literature, you?'

M: 'Same! Isnt eveyone doing that here?'

Y: 'Half are studying Literature, half are studying language.'

M: 'Ooohhhhh ok,'

We both giggle and then everyone goes silent. We both look at the professor and shes smiling. (MG: Miss Greetson)

MG: 'Morning you lot, I'm Miss Greetson, your English Lecturer. You'll see see me twice a week for lectures and I'll be the one setting homework. Eveyone write somewhere that your first homework assignment is a a 150 word essay on yourself. Due for next lesson which is in 2 days. Just to let you know k dont expect any misbehaviour, or I'll just send you out cause we are here to learn, not muck about. If you dont do the homework on time, then I give an extra 24 hours to complete. If not done by then, it will be a detention after school in here to finish, and you wont be leaving till you do, is that clear?'

We all nod. I quickly write down the homework and due date. The rest of the lesson Miss talks the whole time as we all write notes. The bell goes and we all leave.

M: 'Omg I hate her! Setting us homework in the first lesson of the first day?!'

Y: 'I dont mind it to be honest, what do we have next?'

M: 'Food Nutrition, let's go to our lockers quickly'

I nod and go back to my locker. I switch my textbook for my food Nutrition diary study book and go to my next class. We are aloud to leave campus anytime at break and lunch and the gates are always open.

At lunch, I go with Mia to find some lunch.

M: 'Ok so we have next lesson as a free period to study or whatever so lets go somewhere nice'

I nod.

M: 'So are your parents paying for you to go here?'

Y: 'My parents died when I was 10'

Mias jaw drops and looks horrified.

M: 'Shit I'm so sorry! Is that why you lived to Vegas?'

You nod.

Y: 'Yeah, I got fostered cause all my family live all around the world, I got a scholarship actually'

M: 'Lucky, I tried to get a scholarship but I got turned down'

We go into a sandwich shop and I get a half a foot baguette with lettuce, tomato, chicken and mayonnaise. We then sit down at a table and eat while talking.

M: 'So are you in a dorm?'

Y: 'No, I got an apartment with a roommate'

M: 'Nice, who's your roommate?'

Y: 'Josh Richard's,'

Her jaw drops and she almost chokes on her sandwich.

M: 'You are joking'

You shake your head.

M: 'Girl I would kill to share an apartment with him!'

You laugh.

Y: 'He pisses me off alot lmao,'

M: 'Still, I share with this girl called Hazel Matthews, I dont like her,'

Y: 'Why?'

M: 'She goes out to party every night and comes back drunk as shit!'

I giggle. We go back to uni for our last lesson. Once it's done, I go back to my locker.

Y: 'So do you have a car?'

M: 'Yeah, it's an Kia Sportage'

Y: 'Dam nice! I got a black Range Rover,'

M: 'Mines white lmao, I'll see you tomorrow'

I nod and put my stuff in my minibag and go. I go out to the car and drive back to the apartment. I get in the door and put my stuff down on my desk. My phone goes off but before I answer it, I change into something more comfy to do my homework in.

I get into grey sweatpants, a white spagetti strap crop top and a grey zip up jacket that I lay off one shoulder. I untie my French plaits and put it in a ponytail. I open my macbook to start working when I get a message from an unknown number. I open it and my heart skips a beat.

Your parents arent dead.

Falling For My RoommateWhere stories live. Discover now