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Yoongi sighed as he walked into his favourite café near campus.

Recently he's been experiencing a lyricists block and hasn't been able to write much lyrics that would satisfy his high standards.

He sat down at a booth, wondering what he should order because he was pretty hungry as well.

He ended up ordering a burger and a can of cola, flipping the pen within his fingers as he stared at the half written lyrics.

"Think think..." he whispered to himself, brainstorming for ideas and inspiration.

That until he noticed a boy sitting at a different booth, not that there where many people in the café to begin with.

It was nearly 5PM anyways, only someone as careless as him would have lunch at this time.

There was something odd about him that Yoongi didn't catch at first glance. Was it the fact that he had a constant smile on his face or the fact that he was running his fingers on the page of the open book on the table.

Yoongi couldn't help but be intrigued by his actions, or the way he'd giggled. Why was he staring into nowhere? Why was he smiling? Why did his eyes look so pretty yet so lost?

He was snapped out of his thoughts when another boy walked in. "Jimin! I'm here, sorry I got a bit late" the male smiled.

Yoongi looked away, trying not to be a creep by staring. "It's okay Tae, let's go" the boy who's name was now Jimin reached out for his bag and grabbed a foldable walking stick while the other boy packed up his stuff for him.

And that's when it hit Yoongi...Jimin was visually impaired.

Your Warmth [YOONMIN]Where stories live. Discover now