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Disclaimer: Beyblade Burst doesn't belong to me.

AN: This idea sort of thing doesn't only belong to me, although this story does. I became inspired by reading stories such as this, and you may get inspired to write something similar, but not exact. I will also be using the Japanese version for SOME characters in this story unlike my other ones because I feel it sounds more natural. This story is based off characters from Evolution and maybe Burst.

When the three kingdoms were born, life was not like how it is now.

Three mighty beasts, brothers. 

One born from fire, wielding a ferocious axe that soon came to be known across the lands. Careful and cunning, it soon was revered as the greatest in mind of the three. Surrounded by a bright crimson aura, the first beast became known as Spriggan.

The second was born from ice, yet its breath was as burning as fire. Fearless and powerful, it stormed the lands, marking what was it's own. This dragon, many years later, became known as the nightmare of all beasts— Luinor.

Some say the third was the most normal of all. A knight riding his horse, he almost seemed human, the most widely accepted out of the three. The symbol of justice in the kingdoms, prosperity, and bravery, the glowing knight and its horse became known as Valkyrie, and it soon was also to be known as the most powerful of the three for its divine quality— friendship.

The three of them lived together in peace. Valkyrie was known as the Messenger, for Spriggan and Luinor were born great rivals and almost never spoke.

The thousandth time the sun rose upon the three beasts, a threat rose along with it.

A deep shadow, always behind the sun. A quiet voice, slipping into dreams and memories. Finally, the three decided to act.

The battle against the shadows was long and hard. Night was always a perilous time, for they could not rest; the shadows growing more powerful.

A hundred days later, the battle was over.

The lands where the three brothers once lived was war-torn. Black fires marked every spot on the battlefield, mountains of ice spiked through the ground, trenches dug in the ground every few steps from Valkyrie's sword.

And so they decided the three of them were never going to be good enough to defend themselves against every enemy they knew. Only one solution sparked in their minds, and so they acted upon it.

They founded the three kingdoms.

Spriggan founded the Kaen Kingdom. The people of the Kaen respected Spriggan to every extent possible. They learned from the beast and grew to be clever people, talented in warfare and strategy.

Luinor founded the Mizore Kingdom. The Mizore people feared Luinor's power yet respected it greatly. Luinor taught them the finest skills of battle. The dragon taught them to only respect strength and power and reject weakness.

Valkyrie founded the Heiwa Kingdom. The people sought peace to the greatest extent. Valkyrie wanted them to learn peace, justice, understanding, and friendship, and so he placed their kingdom between the Kaen and Mizore kingdoms, hoping that the peace would keep.

Their people followed their masters. The Heiwa Kingdom was always the messenger between the rivals Kaen and Mizore. They were the reason the kingdoms defended themselves against enemies, and they were the reason the kingdoms were not ripped apart.

Many many years later, the three brothers decided their time was to end with their kingdoms. Each beast gave their kingdom a gift. To Kaen, Spriggan gave the power over fire. To Mizore, Luinor gave the power to freeze and frost. And to Heiwa, Valkyrie gave them its power: the power to understand and keep the peace. And so the brothers rose into the heavens as gods, never to be seen again.

But that didn't mean other gods couldn't arrive.

Two more did, traveling far and wide to meet the three beasts they had heard about. Instead, they met three kingdoms, but no beasts.

Inspired, they founded their own kingdoms. On the west was the Kage Kingdom, founded by Doomscizor, a dark spirit, the grim reaper.

And on the east, facing the sunrise, was the Hikari Kingdom, well known as the kingdom of the sun, founded by Zeutron, the one who brought those to life.

These two kingdoms were not gifted powers, although Kage eventually evolved a control over shadows and Hikari the power of light.

Eventually, Doomscizor and Zeutron rose to the heavens too.

The five kingdoms formed a cross. Mizore in the north, Kaen in the south, Hikari in the east, and Kage in the west. And in the heart of them all was Heiwa, connecting them all.

Having defenses built by the gods, the five kingdoms survived for many years. Kings emerged from the crowd and ruled their kingdoms with a worthy passion and a sense of justice that protected each kingdom. The Shirasagi, Aoi, Kurenai, Kaneguro, and Kurogami families became royal.

Thousands of years after the kingdom's birth, the king of the Heiwa Kingdom suggested a training camp for the kingdom's future warriors. Although kingdoms like the Mizore and Kaen were reluctant to let their subjects train with other kingdoms, the training camp was accepted and build in the heart of the Heiwa Kingdom, where all the other kingdoms could protect their young warriors. 

The training camp soon became a place not only to train their warriors but also to protect their young and let them learn without constant fear. Although the original name of the camp has been lost, it was changed to the Anzen.

Needless to say that the old rivalries didn't get carried from their kingdoms.

The Anzen's name changed slowly. As a child under three years, it was called Anzen Home— the safe home. From four to eighteen, it was Anzen Warrior School, the training school, separated from the homes of the young. The third section was called the Anzen Test, the original training camp which was now used to test the warriors' skills before they returned to their kingdoms, where they would meet their parents for the first time.

The only defect of the Anzen was that children would never remember their parents before they grew up. The reason being without connections, the children would grow so much stronger than with them.

Anzen accepted any child, bar those with significant injuries or illnesses that required them to be sent back to their respective kingdom.

Fast forwarding hundreds of years later, five princes were born. The Hikari prince, Zac, was born two years earlier, while the Mizore prince, Lui, was born a year later. All the princes were named after the god of their kingdom, as everybody could feel they were very special indeed.

But nothing special really happened until thirteen years after Zac was born...

Zac was a new teenager. He wore a black jacket, gloves and pants. Underneath his jacket was a white shirt with a yellow stripe as well as a red belt with a large "Z" on it. His eyes were a light blue and his hair yellow, bar two red streaks. He was loved for his voice and talent in singing.

The next prince born, Prince Daigo, at eleven years, wore a black jacket with purple highlights and a picture of a flame on the back as well as black pants. He wore a red headband and a couple of skull charms. Both his hair and eyes were also deep black, matching his dark theme.

Prince Valt was born next. Eleven years old, he wore mostly blue, but underneath a blue vest was a red shirt with a yellow "V" on it, as well as gray and yellow gloves. His hair was blue and his eyes were a chocolate brown. Many enjoyed his cheerful attitude.

The fourth prince to be born was Prince Shu, a couple months after Prince Valt. He wore a pink shirt and black pants, a black vest and a red and black tie, as well as a square red glove over his right hand. His hair was snowy white and his eyes fiery crimson. He was known for his great talent in warfare, even against fellow citizens of Kaen, and his love for books.

The final prince to be born was Prince Lui. Ten years old, he wore a white feather boa, a blue shirt with breeches, a dark purple tie, and blue pants with black stripes. His hair light blue and white hair like fire and amethyst violet eyes. He was fierce and sharp and did not hold back against anyone.

Unknown to those who raised them, these five princes would be the most significant of all history...

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