"yeah. if you really wanna test your limits, go. or you can-"

"ill stay here." he was abnormally quick to say so. amami looked at him for a second (slightly disgusted), and then looked back.

"...towels and rags are in the bathroom, shirts are in my wardrobe, top right shelf."

amami gave rather simple orders, and saihara didn't hesitate to go back into the room.






more waiting... more waiting... more...

saihara was finally fully clothed with oversized clothing—he'd eaten, bathed, and was just now sat on the couch with the one and only who'd done all of those things while he passed out.



how awkward. saihara at least tried to break the silence.


"what?" amami snapped back almost coldly, making him internally shiver.

"hhgh... why..?"

both heads looked up to face each other, and saihara had to slink back to avoid how sharp the taller man's gaze was. "..if youre talking about the sex, i did it because you're interesting." he looked back down to his phone, seeming to be doing something far from important on it.

"w-well... that, yeah, but.." he hesitated. "why did you even let me into your apartment?? you could've beaten me up with momota~san and left..." the clothing was warm because of his own body heat, and it was a nice change aside from everything else.

amami didnt say anything for a good few seconds, but just ended the thought with "thats none of your business."

he watched his poker face and looked down again. "sorry..."




"can i cuddle you?" he cocked his head to the side, making amami look up once more with a now confused face.


"beeecauseee you seem cuddly."

"and exactly what seems cuddly about me?"


saihara was already crawling up to him anyways, making his way in between his legs so amami couldnt really fight the cute gesture back. he was blushing anyways...

soon enough saihara was resting his head in between amami's muscly chest, watching him intently. his legs were over amami's sweatpants, backside lifted over his region but in a not-sexual way for the first time in forever. it was warm... warm warm warm... he felt like a blood vessel would pop if he went too far and passed out again.

"..you're very warm..."


"i'd wanna stay like this forever."

"of course you would." amami didn't even seem that phased except for a small blush on his face as he just went back to texting whoever he was texting. texting, texting, texting... sent.

"..." he watched rantaro, from his eyes to the freckles on his face to his nose and ears piercings and everything that he could put his eyes on. how adorable was he...

rantaro felt the gaze, and soon enough they were looking at each other.



"youre being awkward, freak."

"no im not.."

"you keep staring at me."

"...youre handsome though..."

amami rolled his eyes, still texting. "...who're you texting, amami~kun?"



seeing that there wasnt anything to really do except enjoy his company, saihara laid his head on amami's chest. he was so warm... it was nice. he really liked amami; not love yet, but he'd do anything for him if he asked him...

soon enough, he'd fallen asleep. again.

words: 1183
<my GOD im so sorry
my writers block is being sucked dry rn and schools ending yayyy
ill try to update more, i promise :(>

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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