Feb 11

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The strange fox ears once again twitched. He really was pissed this time. He didn't get up, instead unfurled his nine tails falling languidly both sides of the branch and one of his legs swayed lazily.. waiting for the humans to arrive closer to make them know who he is... They dare to disturb his sleep!

A certain smell drifted along the wind and the fox sprang and sat crouching on the branch, ready to attack! His bare feet with long nails dig into the branch, his eyes glowing golden.
But he saw nothing... Who are these humans who have scent of spiritual realm on them? No... Only one of them have it.. the others... The fox closed his eyes and concentrated on the smell, soon enough he didn't need to. A group of people approached the tree he was sitting on. Fresh smell of soft meat made him remember those cubs he ate a few hundred years ago.

"Huh.. what do we have here.. smells so nice.. wonder if I should take a bite"
The fox jumped towards the group landing like a cat infront of them...

So you are the one from spirit realm... The fox stood up and looked at the odd group. Foxes, tiger and Sheep? Travelling together? Is this a Joke? Foxes are meant to hunt and kill not go travelling with other spirits..well he's here to guide them..
"I'm Gideon, Gideon Dante Laszlo... And I've taken interest in those little ones you got there... Leave them with me and I'll guide them how to be a fox", it was pure bulshit... And he looked at the sheep with challenge in his eyes..

The last reaction was really very unexpected... The fox smirked and in a flash appeared before the little fox, he grabbed his throat and raised him up all the while a smirk stitched on his lips... He jumped and took away the fox on the branch and sat there, now holding the fox from the back of his neck.. "What did you say? Aren't you a little young to be so bold.. I like your tenacity"

The fox was enjoying this banter.. spirits these days really don't come across danger it seems...

He threw the kit towards the tiger... Now looking bored he simply sat on the branch looking at what these ones have planned

"I was only asking to guide them... If you don't want don't bother me.."

"Me?? Why would I care about you guys... I was sleeping here...and you disturbed my rest. I just thought you were someone interesting.. Sorry to bother you.."
His tone was not sincere at all, all the while mocking and not meaning a single word, but that smile never faded... The fox opened one eye to look at the young three tailed fox standing below the tree. He really was an emotional little shit... Huhh.. something must have cooked up in his mind as he sat up again and looked more intently at the fox, his golden eyes glowed.
"What's your name you with the three tails?"

"Ohh so it's like that... ? " One eyebrow raised at the desperate reaction of the Tiger..

The fox was still looking at Xiuying.. he snorted and zoomed in infront of the fox..
"I don't think your husband will allow you to have a spar with me*, he raised his hands, long nails slightly landing on Xiuying's chin raising his head... "I'd have  loved to... But .." *He let go and took a step back, "I'm not interested in someone else's property"

The fox was really amused at the 'Outstanding Hero' trying to start a fight on his own.. he ducked a few steps back, almost floating in the air. Then pinched the sword between his fingers. Soon the little one jumped at him seemingly misunderstanding his statement and bit his hand. The fox looked down at the adorable little teeth sunk in his arms.
He pinch the sword a little more but didn't put any force behind it, and turned to the tiger... "He's coming on his own.. Don't say I induced him somehow... So what'd you do if I now and here steal him away?"
The fox left the sword with a flip of his finger and turned to grab the little fox's face who was still trying to bite him.. "Little one, listen to this fox's advice.. a bite like this won't hurt anyone if you want to hurt then turn their soul to rust, mince their meat, crush their bones and dry up their blood while they scream.. but don't let them die.. understood?"

Fox encountersWhere stories live. Discover now