Children and fighting

Start from the beginning

"Hello. Is there anything you'd like to order?" She asked me lamely. She sounded so bored and tired. She hasn't even looked up at me yet. Is she sad or something? Does she need help?

"I'd love a number 3 please." I told her as polite as I could . Her head shot up so fast I couldn't even say my name. She quickly scribbled my order down and handed it to another employee.

"Do you have a British accent?" She asked me. She quickly examined me with excitement. Woah... What happened? If I have a British accent does that make me some magical being? I'm a unicorn now, nehhhh.

"Yes. Yes I do." I told her with a nervous laugh. Her eyes beamed with brightness when she looked back up at me. She is kind of freaking me out. Should I be horrified? Worried?

"Do you know one direction? You look familiar. " The girl said catching me off guard. She must be a Directioner? One Direction are British and Irish.

"Sadly I haven't met One Direction yet." I lied to the girl. Her bright smile dropped into a disappointed frown. It felt as if I suddenly turned into the most horrible and boring person in the universe.

"Oh. Here's your drink." She told me while handing me my drink. I paid her and exited the café.

Now all I have to do is wait for the beauty queen , Damon.

This will take a while.

Harry's POV

In the past hour the phone has rang at least one hundred times. I am so close to ripping the annoying machine out of the wall.

Currently, I am sitting in my living room with a massive headache, a ringing phone, and my mother and sister.

"Harry." My mum spoke up for the first time since she got here two hours ago. She sounded worried which I don't blame her . No one has told her whats going on. She knows nothing about the toddler in the other room. She doesn't know what Is exactly happening.

I stayed silent unsure of what to do or say. What should I say? How do I make words?

"What's going on son? Do I have a granddaughter?" My mum asked looking anywhere but me. Her eyes danced around my living room until they finally looked at me. A fierce look in her eyes made me want to cower in the corner.

I couldn't say anything. I had nothing to say that would make sense to her. So I stayed silent.

After a few minutes of the awkward silence my mother did something unexpected. She yelled.

"Dammit Harry! Give me some answers."

I looked up at her with my mouth agape. Gemma copied my look of shock. Our mother almost never yells, let alone speaks curse words.

"I don't know what to tell you." I honestly told her. She shook her head in disappointment.

"You need to tell me right now if that child is my granddaughter." She harshly spoke while pointing towards the hallway. I looked to where she was pointing to see Sydney standing there. Once she noticed that I had spotted her she ran into my arms. I looked at my mother with a glare, she had caused Syd to be sad. My mother raised her eyebrows at me. I comforted Syd, trying to avoid my mum.

"Technically she is not." I told my mother. Gemma glared at me. I gave a harsh look back.

"No Mum, she isn't Harry's at all. It's a very fucked up story. This child is actually Li-" Gemma started to say, but I yelled to stop her. Sydney doesn't know yet. Liam would kill me more than he already wants to if he found out that Gemma told Sydney who her father was. Leanna would kill me also.

"NO." I yelled making Gemma go silent.

"What?" My mum asked us with anger in her usual happy eyes.

"Sydney, honey? Can you please go play for a while?" I asked her hoping she would get the hint. Syd nodded sheepishly and ran down the hallway to her room.

Once I heard her door slam shut I glared at Gemma. Wow, a lot of glaring today.

"What?" Gemma asked, she crossed her arms over her chest.

"She doesn't know yet." I reminded Gemma. Gemma looked to the floor.

"Doesn't know what?" My mother yelled , throwing her hands into the air.

"Liam and Janet are Sydney's parents." I informed my mother in a tone softer than a whisper. She looked at me, her mouth hitting the floor.

"Liam Payne?" My mother asked unsure.

"Ugh yes and no. Liam Vick. " I said making my mother shrug in confusion.

"That's Liam's real name." Gemma explained a bit.

"Real name? Who is Janet? Can someone please explain the whole story to me?" My mum asked, her tone breaking. She sounded almost in tears. She must be so confused.

"Okay, so a while ago One Direction got a new bodyguard named Leanna Vick. Leanna turned out to be Liam's real sister. Liam and Leanna are actually children of world famous spy's, Molly and Mark Vick. Liam got sent away for getting Leanna's childhood best friend Janet Reed pregnant at a young age. Anyways this man is apparently wanting to kill them because her father got him thrown in prison. So Liam and Janet's daughter is Sydney. Sydney doesn't know who her parents are except her mom who she thinks is dead." Gemma explained to my mother. My mother ran her hands through her hair, a nervous habit I gained from her.

She stayed silent for a few minutes before replying.

"What the hell have you gotten yourself into?" She asked me shaking her head. She huffed quite loudly before placing her head in her hands.

"Where is this Leanna? How did you end up with this child? Why am I just finding out?" My mother questioned. Her confusion seeming to only grow.

"Leanna is with an ex- boyfriend of hers. I'm assuming he threatened her, I'm not quite sure where she is. Sydney is like a daughter to me. She only trusts me. So that is how she ended up with me." I explained to my mother while running my hands through my hair. A loud cry erupted from the back room. I quickly got up and made my way to Sydney's room. I opened the door to see her on the ground and holding her arm and bawling. I rushed to her side.

"What's wrong ?" I asked her in worry. She tried to speak but I couldn't understand due to her loud cries.

Mum and Gemma were in the doorway with worry speared across their faces.

"Syd I need you calm down darling. Tell me what's wrong." I pleaded hoping she would calm down enough to tell me what happened.

"I fwell off da desk and me arm huwrts." She exclaimed to me while crying. She leaned into me hoping to be picked up. I did as she wished and carefully picked her up. I accidentally hit her arm causing her to scream out in pain.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I told her in panic. Did she break her arm? What happened?

"I think we should take her to the hospital." Gemma stated. She stared at Sydney in concern.  I nodded in agreement.

Once we made it outside I noticed paparazzi already outside the gate that surrounds my home. I don't usually care, but today I do. I quickly strapped Sydney in her car seat. My mother and Gemma sat on either side of her, both trying to make her smile. I ran to driver seat and quickly started the car.

Off to the hospital, what fun?


Guys I feel as though you don't care anymore 😣 :( it's makes me quite sad.

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Most important PLEASSEEEE love your beautiful incredible selves.

I l o v e y o u ! ! ! !


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