Failed Mission

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It all happened so fast. There was a girl no older then five. And a bomb. Kara dove for her, tried to get her away but...she failed.

It all happened so fast.

It was all a blur to her now. Only thing she could remember was how desperate the girl looked. And how she couldn't save her. She's dead.

They don't know who's responsible yet, but Kara wasn't in the mind-set to think about anything but the little girl and her family right now.

Mon-El took on the hard task of confirming their child's death to them before any news outlet could even get the chance to publicize it. Giving news like that was...well it was heartbreaking to say the least. He never could look people in the eyes when delivering such details. Regardless he always see's they're pain whether it was in their voices or a long staggering silence, pain was there. It was unavoidable. And it's sucked, a-lot.

The mother of the little girl surprised him today with a hug after he told her what happened. She was sobbing, the quiet kind of sob, the one you only do when your body can't make a sound. The girls siblings— Emma's, siblings, all boys one probably younger then her, stood behind their mother all with their heads down, all with tears streaming down their faces.

Once their mother let him go he asked to talk to them. He told them how pain wasn't permanent and that it was okay to cry, that it's all apart of trying to get better. It might've not meant a thing to them then but he could only hope they'd take it as advice soon. The little guy—his names Eilliot—took a hold of his thumb as he stood to get up from his knee. Elliot looked at him with those big brown eyes— all of his siblings had brown eyes so it's safe to assume Emma did too. He didn't say anything he just squeezed it before letting it go, Mon-El smiled at him and told him one last thing before leaving.

"Tell your brothers you love them." and then he was off.


Everyone but Kara was in the comm's room, even Nia was here. They all looked down, they must've heard, Mon-El thought, as he approached them.

"Where is she?" He asked Alex.

Her voice was as dull as her eyes. "In the training room." She sighed. "She won't open the door. Won't let us in."

"I'll go—"

"Mon-El i'm not really sure if—"

"We both know that leaving her in a state like that alone is not beneficial for anyone...the least I could do is try." Alex pondered for a second or two before nodding.

"Okay just— tell her i'm here." She sounded worried, uneasy.

He put a hand on her shoulder and gave a light squeeze. "She knows, just takes her a while to remember sometimes that's all." He was about to go before she spoke again.

"Mon-El...are you okay?"

He sighed, but nodded. He would be, but first he had to make sure Kara was.

Getting to the training room only took about a minute, he knew the door was locked so he didn't bother knocking, he just announced his presence, and when he didn't hear anything he used a little bit of super strength to get the door open.

"Hey..." No response was given aside from a sniffle. She was on the floor, head in her hands, and rubble was everywhere, the bench was bent nearly torn in half, the punching stones were spilt into pieces and in the middle of it all was her. Moving slowly he made his way towards her, watching her body language as he closed the distance to make sure he wasn't over stepping but she didn't move. She did speak though.

"I don't want to talk." Her voice was crisp and dry, and it hurt his heart.

"We don't have to talk. I can just sit here if that's okay with you."

And sat there they did, for probably a rough forty minutes before she spoke again.

"Her family?"

"They'll be okay. I'm sure of it." He spoke softly. Kara nodded into her knees before lifting her head up to wipe her face. Her eyes were puffy and her face red, and he knew it was wrong to think then and there but she was...a sight. a lovely one.

She wouldnt look at him— couldn't even, she didn't want him to see how sad she was, how angry she was.

"Her names Emma." Mon-El spoke into the silence, that made her look at him. And she smiled, just before she started crying again.

"Fuck Mon-El she couldn't have been older then five." Her lip began to quiver and she had to bite it down to control it. Mon-El sighed, more to himself then to her.

"I know." His own voice was beginning to break.

Another silence came over them but she broke it after a few minutes.

"She— she looked so scared. So desperate to be saved. And I—"

"Hey, what you're not gonna do is blame this on you. This isn't on you. It's on whoever planted that bomb, not you. You solve problems, you don't start them." That got her to look at him once again, but not for too long because before she can stop herself she's in his arms, in his lap, just crying into his shoulder.  He doesn't mind it one bit, he actually pulls her closer, making sure she's comfortable, but not suffocated.

She cries, he does too. Kara clings to him tighter every now and then and he kisses her forehead gingerly again and again, letting her now that he's there, and not going anywhere.


Two hours go by before she runs out of tears, she cried so much she's given herself a headache. Cried so much that she definitely left a stain on Mon-Els suit. Mon-El...she was still in his lap— still straddling him, she didn't move off though she felt too safe, too protected. She knew the moment she got up she'd be fragile again, so even though she was done crying she kept her head against his neck, and he kept his hands on her hair and back, touching her only lightly making sure he wasn't overstepping in any-way that'd make her uncomfortable.

His comfort, warmth, and touch...she didn't know she missed it so much. Him whispering little everything's to her was just as needed. "It's okay." "You'll be okay." "She's okay." "They'll be okay." "I got you." all of it was appreciated.

"Mon." Her voice might've been hoarse but he heard her enough to hum. "Thank you...I—I know i've been pushing you away—"

"Shh it's okay, you don't need to explain anything, and you especially don't need to thank me." His voice vibrated against her body, making her shudder a little.

It took her everything she had to push her chest off of his and move her hands from his back to his soft warm cheeks. Holding his face to hers she gazed into his eyes, finding nothing but pure abundant love staring right back at her, and that's when she kissed him.

On the forehead of course.

There's always something keeping me from you, huh? Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang