Flashbacks (Tommy Angst w/ Dream + Sam)

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TW: Anxiety/panic attacks, trauma flashbacks, manipulation, violence

A/N: When the text italicizes, it is a flashback. Sometimes it will cut in the middle of a sentence, that means that the quote is said in present day and in the flashback (Sorry if that's confusing XD)


I hate how familiar the prison has gotten.

A pit formed in my stomach as I stared at the mesmerizing lava flowing in front of me. The almost welcoming heat encompassed my face, daring me to think of what stands just past it, surrounded by obsidian, waiting for me. I exhaled, letting go of a breath I didn't know I was capable of taking. Tearing my eyes away from the coaxing lava, I turned to Sam, "I'm ready when you are." He nodded coldly and flipped the lever. Turning back, I balled up my fists absentmindedly, thinking of my last visit as the lava fell. 

"Thank you for visiting me!" "That's a new game..." "Please don't leave"

The words echoed monotonously inside my head as the last few dribbles of lava came down, revealing the small cube balanced in the center. Behind me, I heard another lever being pulled and I waited anxiously for the bridge to start. Without warning, it chugged forward haltingly, sending me lurching with it nearly into the lava below. Staring at my feet, I focused in on the rhythmic sounds of the piston powering the bridge. I glanced back at Sam, feeling the pit in my stomach growing. He simply stared, watching me stumble slightly onto the gritty, black platform. 

Not daring to turn around just yet, I watched the molten liquid begin to fall again, my breath quickening. Following it with my eyes, I saw Sam waving slightly just as the lava covered the wall. I took a deep breath again, willing my body to stop shaking. Finally, I turned around, smiling. "Hey Dream." He didn't respond, simply staring at the book he was scratching words into. This is new... Usually Dream would immediately light up, acting like a golden retriever or pitifully begging to be let out. The silence was new, and yet familiar. Not like how the prison was familiar, but in a paralyzing fear sort of familiar. My breath caught again slightly, but I played it off as an awkward chuckle.

"Dream, you gone deaf or somethin'?" He stopped writing, a statue-like stillness now taking over his body. Concerned, I turned my gaze to the small camera above me, hoping Sam was still watching. It moved between Dream and I, not wide enough to get both of us in view. I glanced back and felt a stabbing chill run down my back and arms. Dream was staring directly at me, his stare chipping away at my fake cheerfulness. Stumbling back a bit, I felt the heat of the lava start to burn as it grazed my skin. 

I tried to ignore the pain, not daring to leave our staring match. My shaking was starting to get worse, and the pit I originally thought I could ignore started to swallow me from the inside out. In my panic, I tried to think of everything possible that could happen. He could try to kill me, or he could just ignore me, or he could-

The frantic thoughts were abruptly interrupted as footsteps began to ring out in front of me. Snapped back into reality, I shot my head up, now hyper aware of the intimidating, looming figure above me. My vision blurred and I fell backwards onto my elbows.

I was on the dirt, silent yet violent sobs building up in my body. I couldn't breathe, but the little oxygen coming in through my gasps came with blood, the metallic taste adding to the many senses overwhelming me. The sickly green figure was standing above me, restraining his seemingly never ending anger. I coughed wincing as my bruised and broken ribs expanded in my sore torso. 

"P-please stop... Dream, I'm- I'm s-sorry, I won't- I won't do it again, PLEASE!" I begged as he kicked me again directly in the stomach, causing me to dry heave painfully. 

Dream SMP Headcanon Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن