Voices (Ranboo + Techno Angst)

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CW: Intrusive thoughts; internal voices; manipulation; descriptions of blood/gore, burns; panic/anxiety attacks


A/N: This is about 5000 words, which is my longest fic. Its 2 AM rn so I'm not going to spell check it, but oh well, lmao. Enjoy :)


He doesn't like you.


Just run, he's going to hurt you.

"Ranboo, are you coming?"

You're worthless anyway.

"Hey-" I flinched suddenly, feeling a hand grab my arm. "Whoa, hey, it's just me!" Techno backed up a bit, giving me room. I blinked a few times, taking in the frosted forest around me. The sky was overcast and gloomy, the sun only hinting it's brightness. Regaining my composure, I sighed lightly. Right, gathering wood. I put on an embarrassed smile, "Sorry, kinda zoned out a bit." Techno eyed me for a second, looking me up and down. He shrugged and chuckled, "Just don't be doing that with the axe in your hand."

He doesn't trust you.

I looked down, suddenly seeing the freshly sharpened tool in my hand. Wow, I really shouldn't be trusted with this... Exhaling sharply, I put the axe back into the small pack on my back, careful to maneuver around my memory book. Jogging slightly, I caught up to Techno who was chopping down a hefty evergreen tree. Deciding not to get bother Techno further, I looked for a tree I could manage on my own. Down the way a bit, there was a thin but tall tree that would make for good tinder.

Don't help him, why would he want you to help him?

I tried to shake my head, imagining the intrusive thoughts to be knocked loose and fall out of my ears, but to no avail. They just continued going deeper and deeper into my mind, trying to find the thing that makes me tick.

You're just going to mess it up like everything else.

I ignored them, pulling the weighted axe from behind me.

You messed up George's house...

I lined up the axe to the stump, getting increasingly frustrated.

You messed up the Community house...

I lifted the axe, my breath quickening in anticipation and anger.

You messed up Tommy in exile...

The axe halted midair, hanging on every thought, questioning its intent. I froze, my eyes blurred with tears, unable to ignore them anymore.

And now... the voice chuckled. You're gonna mess up Techno and Phil.

Tired of feeling fear, I let anger take over, carelessly swinging the dangerous blade towards the helpless young tree. My shaking and crying didn't mix well as my footing failed, causing me to slip on the icy ground. Crying out, I hit the forest floor with a painful thud, the little wind left inside of me being knocked out. The treetops spun over me as I struggled to regain normalcy in my body. I stayed laying down, assuming the spots flying through my vision would only worsen if I sat up.

Told you so.

Piss off... I thought, rubbing my eyes with my now inconveniently wet hand. Wait- if my hand was wet, why wasn't it burning...? Bringing my hand from my face, I saw a gash in my arm that went from my palm to the middle of my forearm. The pain hit like a train as I realized the extent of the injury, presumably from the now bloodied axe lying about a foot away. I sat up slightly, trying to put pressure on the wound, but also involuntarily writhing slightly from the hot, burning feeling now encompassing my arms. Why does snow have to burn so bad?

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