Part 31

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You best believe that shit made me laugh, hawk looked at me like I was some sort of deranged psychopath, he opened the bathroom window and pushed me out of it. I climbed down the side of the house like I was in a fucking spy movie, once I finished my wall scaling I heard distant screams "I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU" hawk screamed out to me, I was sobbing, I ran to some rando's house and asked for the phone, "..ok" the lady at the door said, I dialed 911 as fast as I could, "HELLO, MY NAME IS ANNIE EDWARDS AND MY BOYFRIEND IS STUCK IN THE HOUSE WITH MY COUSIN WHO HAS AN AXE AND I THINK IS ABOUT TO KILL HIM, THANKS" "we will have someone come out, he's on his way" I hung up the phone and ran back to the house, that lady probably thought I was insane or something, good times. As soon as Sam heard the sirens she ran out the back door, hawk came out of the house looking worried, he saw me and ran over and picked me up and hugged me, "are you ok Annie" he said sounding like he was gonna cry, it was rare but there was a fair chance he was about to, "I love you".
The next week we went back to school, no sign of Sam anywhere, at lunch me and hawk went by the bleachers and just did our thing when I saw a figure walk up behind me, I thought it was just my imagination, or a substitute teacher, so I went back to making out with hawk. "Annie?".

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