"I don't know how I'm going to win the bets." Enjas runs his hand down his sculpted face. For once, the third emperor in line looks like a peasant dealing with costly taxes. "Just don't f*ck it up even more."

"Is that it?"


Chi lets out an exasperated sigh. He has more chance with the human referred to as 'it', then the toddler in the Imperial Highnesses attire.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's just me thinking your 'plan' is incredibly vague." Brainless. He means to say it's stupid because it's pretty much common knowledge at this point.

Enjas, seemingly done with the conversation, storms towards the exit. An unexplainable air of confidence takes over the outlandish prince. "Well, just try not to mess up. I'm counting on you to make me an emperor, Chi."

An emperor?


Chi spends the next hour or so rummaging through Ra's drawers, safes and anywhere else something could be hidden. He'd done this when he and Noah had met for the first time, too.

Although, when Noah caught him looking through his closest, the human reacted contrary to how Chi thought he would have. With weariness and dry humour he'd said, "The only thing you'll find in there are my clothes, skeletons and my sexuality."

Regardless, Chi knows about Ra's lurking closet skeletons -not the metaphorical type Noah had been implying. But he also knows Ra has a gun tucked somewhere. He knows this because, during the private time they spent together, Chi had also raided Ra's room before running away.

Like a bride at the altar, he had scurried away all dolled up in Racer armour. Or maybe, he's the bride who enjoyed the first night of the honeymoon before the wedding.

Still, pre-martial sex, who knows how devious a tradition-framed prince can get?

His hands wrap around something cold and hard tucked behind a bookshelf. He can barely fit his forearm through the tight slit but he manages to wiggles his fingers enough to get a stable grip on it. He strains to pull out the heavy object and suddenly drops it when the main entrance opens and closes.

Something sharp swipes across his fingers as he rushes to free his hand. Lucky for him, it's just as hard to remove his hand as it was to slip it in. If Ra were to catch him, then ev-

"Hi-hi, Chi-Chi, want some help?"

Chi's shoulders slump and with a relieved sigh, he rests his head on the wall. Being the stubborn bull he is, he gives the human and small 'no' and continues to pull. With a few more futile tugs, he finally gives up. With a shy smile, he turns to the human, "yes please."

The pink skin takes a knee beside him and he flushes blue. Noah, focusing on his hand trapped between the wall and the bookshelf, doesn't realize how he's making Chi feel.

Humans are so naïve, they're senseless and cruel because they don't acknowledge how hot and bothered they can make others feel.

He'll never tell the pink skin this, but if he had been able to live a normal life, Chi would have liked to be the moon to someone's planet... even for just a second. He didn't have to be the star that the planet revolved around, just the moon. For his finite life, he would revolve around someone who had given a chuck of themselves to Chi.

Like planet Earth's moon, it was once part of the Earth. He would be able to be part of his lover for a second and that would be all he ever needs.

Ra focuses on him intently, but sometimes Chi just wants to be the supportive fan on the sidelines with the orange slices.

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