
Clint went straight to bed because he was so exhausted. You instead, went to kitchen to get some food. Tony, Cap and Bruce were all sitting in there and enjoying their meals. "Good evening to you too, how was the day?" Tony teased you with annoying tone in his voice. "Shut up.." you murmured. "That bad?" Bruce asked. "We were cleaning up all the weapons in the training room. Oh and by the way Cap, I told Clint it was your idea." you told them and then looked at Cap. Others laughed when they saw his face.

"Seriously? Now he's coming tomorrow to grumble at me!" Cap whined. "You're the captain." Tony said and got some angry glances from Cap.
"Well, luckily for us all, his birthday is in few days so we don't have to do this for a long time anymore." Cap added while Tony was still teasing him. You nodded and sighed in relief that this will be over soon.


Next day came and you woke up still tired of yesterday. You didn't get much of sleep because you needed to wake up around the same as Clint. And he always woke up early.

You got up from your bed and headed to the shower immediately. You thought that today you would suggest to do some training with Clint. You actually needed to train after a long time, and also you are running out of ideas.

When you got out of the shower you flinched and almost dropped your towel. Thor was standing there and you hadn't heard him coming. "Oh, sorry. Didn't meant to scare you." he chuckled a bit when he saw your shocked face. "Well what you think would happen if you just sneak into my room without knocking?" you grumbled a bit at him. "You were in the shower!" he protested. "Exactly!" you raised your voice a little. He just laughed to your vanity. "Just don't do that again, okay?" you sighed and headed to your bedroom to change some clothes on. "Maybe.." he chuckled after you as you vanished to your bedroom. You rolled your eyes and sighed again.

After you had got your clothes on, you walked back to Thor. "So you have something to tell me, or is there another reason why you are sneaking around here?" you asked him as he was walking around your room of boredom. "Oh yes, mother wants us to visit quickly in Asgard. It's about the man who pretended to be Odin." he replied you seriously. "Oh, I had almost forgot about him. She wants us there now? Why exactly?" you questioned a bit and also you didn't want to see that man again. "I don't know either. But Frigga wants us there asap." Thor told you and pointed to the door. "Alright, but what about Clint?" you asked as you walked out. "I already talked with Tony and Cap, they're taking care if him this day. Besides we just visit there quickly." he explained as you were already heading out of the tower. You nodded but were stressed a little because of the Hydra guy. But you didn't show it so Thor wouldn't think that you're scared.


You travelled through the Bifrost again and it still made you feel sick. "You okay?" Thor asked when you arrived to Asgard. "Yup, it still just make me feel little sick." you whined little. Thor smiled a bit and placed his hand on your shoulder.

"Welcome back!" Heimdall greeted you two. "Heimdall! Missed me old friend?" Thor greeted Heimdall and clapped his back. "Always my prince." Heimdall laughed. "Frigga is already waiting for you in the throne room." Heimdall added and Thor nodded and thanked him.

Thor led you to the palace and straight to throne room. The big door opened when you walked in. "Welcome back my son, and lady Y/N." Frigga greeted you kindly. You didn't see Odin anywhere which made you wonder if they had found him yet. "Nice to see you again mother." Thor greeted gently and placed light kiss on her cheek. "You already found father?" Thor asked next. "Yeah we found him and he's alright. He is actually doing his duties right now, so he couldn't join us." Frigga explained to you two. Thor sighed in relief. "What about the man from Hydra?" you asked little stressed. "Well.. that's why I requested you to come." Frigga turned on you and looked very concerned. "Somehow, he escaped from the dungeons. We're not sure if he had help but we're already trying to figure it out." she told you gently but worried.

You became speechless and worried. Thor looked at you concerned and wrapped his hand around your shoulders. "It's going to be alright, I'm here to protect you." he told you softly and tightened his grip. You just smiled at him a little, you were too shocked to say anything. "And if something happens, you can ask help from Asgard." Frigga told you kindly.

"Oh and one more thing. I heard about Loki, and I'm sorry about it. Have you heard of him for awhile?" Frigga added. You looked at her and sighed deeply. "I'm sorry but we haven't." you mumbled with pain in your voice. "It's alright dear, it's alright." she answered gently and smiled at you warmly.


Your visit wasn't long and after Thor had chatted a little more with her mother, you finally headed back to earth.
"We need to tell about this to the team." Thor told you as you walked towards the Bifrost. You just nodded in silence. The man got into your head again and you couldn't stop thinking about him and Hydra and why they wanted to kill you.

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