"No, but one will be here tomorrow." Ms. Tina said. "That baby needs her nursery. A full one."

"Hey Bro..." James said walking in and I was thankful for that, 'cause that way I wouldn't have to be scolded again for not getting my daughter's nursery ready.

It had been Bey's idea, but I thought it was a good one. Last time caused us so much pain, we didn't want to go through it again and get disappointed.

"So where is the bundle?" My father asked coming in behind my brother.

I was about to say she was upstairs again, but I stopped when I saw Bey at the top of the stairs with our daughter in her arms.

"She's here." Bey said with a big smile on her face, even though she still looked tired.

I don't even have to say that our baby girl was the center of the attention all afternoon. Even after Bey's sisters came over with their kids, Julia was still the one they held and watched the entire time.

"What are you smiling at over there?" Bey asked walking up to me.

"A few things." I said reaching out my arms, so she'd come closer. "I have lots of things to smile about actually."


Bey wrapped her arms around me while I held her and after I pecked her lips, she was smiling too.

"I get to spend my life with the two most beautiful girls in the world, why wouldn't I be smiling?"

"Thank you." She said pecking my lips back.

"For what?"

"For being you. And for being mine."

This time, when our lips touched, I didn't let go. I kissed my wife deeply until someone got our attention.

"Auntie Bey, can I brush her hair?" Tiara asked, already holding her little hairbrush in her hand to brush Julia's hair.

"Hmm... Not yet baby, her hair still too short. Do you want to brush mine?"

"Yes." Tiara smiled.

Julia has a lot of hair already, but she was still a little fragile and small to play that girly stuff.


When our family's left, it was already dark outside. I was collecting all the plates and glasses they left around the living room while Bey was sitting on the couch with a very awake Julia.

"Do you think she's crying because she is still hungry?" Bey asked me a little worried.

"I don't know. Try to feed her again."

"But I fed her not even two hours ago."

"Maybe she wants more." I said sitting down next to her. I watched how Bey freed her breast and then Julia immediately started to suck on it.

"I guess she's still hungry." I said laughing a little.

"Yes. She seems to be very hungry."

"Does it hurt?"

"A little, but the doctor said that it's normal and I will get used to it."

"I will clean up the mess our families made while you feed her."

"It's okay. I'll do it as soon as Julia falls asleep."

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