Chapter 12

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~a couple weeks later~
It's been a couple weeks since Caleb and Renesmee were born and since Violet and Bella woke up. Violet has been at the pack house. Violet woke up the next morning and went to Caleb in bed with her. Sam was out on patrol. Violet smiled at Caleb who was awake and just waiting for someone to come get him. "Morning baby" Violet said to her son. Caleb smiled at her. Violet took him downstairs to the kitchen to get him his bottle and breakfast for the back. Once breakfast was made Violet made a bottle for Caleb soon the bottle was made and the pack walked in. "Morning boys" Violet said. "Morning Violet" they all said back. Caleb just giggled at them. He was growing fast but not fast like Renesmee who looked like she was 7 years old. Sam smiled at him. "So what been happening on patrol" Violet asked. "Nothing just want to keep a look out on our land" Sam said. Violet nodded. "So any sign of Jacob and the others" Embry asked Violet. "No I think they are just staying with The Cullen's to be a pack" Violet said. "O heard that more vampires from Mystic Falls we're coming" Paul said. "Those would be my friends and besides I need to find a spell to get Kai out of the spirit Realm" Violet said. "The sociopath" Jared asked. "Yeah. I talked to Damon and Bonnie and they agreed to let him free and we are just looking for spells that can work to get him out" Violet said. The pack agreed. Soon Violet phone started to ring. She answered it. It was her mother. Grace told Violet everything that was happening with the Cullen's. Violet sighed. Of course they would ask her for help because they know if Violet wasn't here they would be dead for sure. Violet hung the phone up and sighed. "What happened" Jared asked. "The Cullen's cousin went to the Voltouri and told them Renesmee was an immortal child and that she was dangerous and now are asking of we can help them convince the Voltouri that she isn't dangerous" Violet said. The pack groanrd in annoyance. Violet just had a baby and now her family is gonna be taken away from her. "I am gonna need help from some of my friends in Mystic Falls. Looks like Kai is leaving the spirit realm earlier than expected. " Violet said as she called the gang telling them everything. Damon and Bonnie had a spell to get Kai out of the spirit Realm. Once they would come to Washington they would get him out of there. Violet hung the phone up after talking to Jermey Elena little brother. She looked at Caleb who was playing on the bed. The boys went home. Sam was in the shower. She smiled at her little boy. Caleb then looked at his mom and smiled. Violet sat on the bed and began to make Caleb laugh. Sam came out of the shower to see Violet and Caleb. He smiled at Caleb who was laughing. Violet noticed him and motioned for him to come sit with them. He did just that and took Caleb in his arms. "I can't believe after trying to have a peaceful life we don't get it. I just had a baby and now it's all being taken away because of Bella and Edward" Violet said. "I know but like you said you have friends who can help and family and we are gonna make the problem go away for Caleb and Hope's safety" Sam said. Violet smiled and nodded at him. Violet only hoped her family would have peace after this.

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