Chapter 8

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Clarke POV

    Today was the day of the fight. Clarke had just gotten out of the shower and was getting dressed. Clarke saw a tray with food on the table. Clarke ate some of it but was too nervous to eat the rest.

    Clarke walked out and met up with Raven and Octavia. "Raven has a crush on Luna." Octavia told Clarke.

    "Yesterday, Lexa and I were talking in my room and Raven bursts in and yells 'Luna is so hot'." Clarke said, laughing. Octavia was laughing.

    "At least I own up to my feelings." Raven said. Raven looked at her. "Clarke." Luna and Kaylee walked up to them.

    "Octavia you have only three more days for the bet." Kaylee said.

    "I know." Octavia sighed. "I should have said a like 10 days or something." Octavia added. They started to walk to the fighting area and Clarke got more nervous.

    "Oh! I got the radio working last night. After the fight we can go talk to Abby and Kane." Raven told her. "I only got a few seconds before they had to go. Pike and Bellamy are planning something. Kane told Lincoln to stay at TonDC because it's that bad there."

    "Indra said something to me about him coming to Polis in a few days before she left." Octavia said. "I don't know though." Octavia sighed.

    They walked through the crowd, Clarke leading the way. Clarke pushed out into the front and saw Lexa warming up. A horn sounded and Lexa walked over to a guard who was right next to her. Lexa pulled out her sword and twirled it.

    Lexa and her eyes met. "I'm glad you came." Lexa said to her.

    "Me too." Clarke said.

    "Heda!" The crowd yelled.

Lexa turned around just in time to block Roan's strike. The crowd released a sigh of relief. Lexa cut Roan's back with her sword as he passes. Lexa striked at Roan three times and he blocked every one until their swords met with Roan's on top and Lexa's on the bottom. Roan was pushing Lexa down, making her go to her knees.

Lexa lifted her left hand and reached out for the blade of her sword and pushed it up, catching Roan on the chin with the hilt of her sword. Roan gained his balance and then striked at Lexa, who blocked it with ease. Roan striked again and this time Lexa ducked the swing, but he catches her and knee's Lexa in the back, knocking her to her knees.

Lexa swings up at him on her knees. Roan knocks the sword out of Lexa's hand and kicks it a few feet away. Lexa takes the chance to ram her fist into Roan's knee making him fall onto his knees. Lexa quickly got up and kneed Roan in the chin, grabbing his sword from him. Lexa ran and grabbed her sword still holding Roans. Lexa twirled both of them.

Roan looked around, walking backwards, panicking a little. He punched a guard nearby and took his spear. Roan twirled his spear. They advanced at each other. Roan swings the spear tip at Lexa's head but Lexa ducks it. Lexa swings at Roan, spinning and attacking with both swords and backs him up. Roan unfortunately catches every strike with his spear.

Suddenly, Roan catches Lexa's two swords and jerks a sword out of Lexa's hand. Lexa goes to swing her other sword but Roan knocks that one out as well. Roan kicks Lexa in the chest, knocking her to the ground onto her back. Roan walks over to Lexa, who is still on her back.

Clarke's heart sunk to her stomach and a few people were starting to murmur.

Roan lines up a jab to Lexa's throat and then pulls back. Roan jabs down but at the last second, Lexa rolls out of the way to the right. The spear hits the concrete and Lexa moves her legs up, swinging them around to hit Roan in the knee, making him go into his back.

The both get back to their feet, Lexa getting up with a small cartwheel type of thing. Roan swings his spear at Lexa and she bends over, ducking under the swing. Lexa stood back up and Roan stabbed at Lexa. She caught it and hit Roans arm, making him let go of the spear.

Lexa gets the spear into her hands and swings it at Roan's leg, making him fall to one knee. Lexa hits him under the chin with the end of the spear and Roan falls onto his back. Lexa walked over to Roan spinning her spear as she did. Nia stood up.

"Get up!" Nia yelled in Trig. "If you die, you don't die a prince, you die as a coward!"

"Get it over with already." Roan told Lexa.

"Jus drein Jus daun." (Blood must have blood) Lexa said. Lexa looked up at the queen and then gunshots rang through the air. A few people screamed and started to run. A woman dropped dead as a bullet hit her.

Everything turned into panic. Guards started to rush everyone out and went to protect Lexa, who had a bloody nose. "Clarke lets go!" Octavia said.

Lexa looked at her and mouthed 'go'. Clarke turned and followed Octavia, Raven, Kaylee and Luna. More gunshots rang in the air. The girls stopped at a wall of metal and hid behind it. "What the hell is happening?" Luna asked them.

"I don't fucking know." Raven said.

Clarke looked up and saw Pike and about thirty men walking over. "This is what they were planning." Raven said. "At least bring more than thirty people. He sucks at this." Raven added. "It's good for us but not for him."

"Just be quiet." Octavia told Raven. Raven shrugged. "Remind me to never bring you on a stealth mission."

"Where are they!" Pike yelled walking up to Lexa. Lexa remained calm as Pike pointed a gun at her. "Search the city!" Pike ordered his very small army. They started to search, Pike walked off as two men stayed with Lexa and her guards.

"Come on." Kaylee said, crawling away. They followed and then a ton of gunshots and then a man cried out and others followed. Clarke looked up and fights were starting to break. Gunshots filled the air and people were running around. It was all chaos.

Lexa got out her spear and took out of the two men. Lexa told her guards something and they jogged off to fight. Octavia pulled out her sword along with Luna. "Get into the tower, we'll meet you there soon." Octavia said. Luna and Octavia ran into the battle.

"Come on." Kaylee said as they crawled. Clarke kept looking at Lexa who was fighting.

"Your girl is fine." Raven said.

"She isn't my girl." Clarke said, taking out her knife. A man was getting closer as they moved. "Wait, he's getting to close." Clarke whispered. Raven and Kaylee stopped moving. "Be quiet." Clarke whispered.

They were hiding under a metal plate. The metal plate moved and Clarke saw the man. "I got-" The man started to yell but Clarke killed him.

They kept crawling and then everything went silent. Clarke picked her head up and they saw Pike and about five people retreating. "Don't yell anything." Clarke told Raven.

"Damn it." Raven sighed. "Don't mess with Wanheda's girlfriend!" Raven whispered. Clarke hit Raven's arm as Raven laughed.

"I hate you." Clarke said.

"Nah you love me." Raven said.

"I don't know why I do." Clarke sighed. Raven laughed and they stood up. "I'm gonna go check the injured." Clarke told them. Kaylee and Raven nodded. Clarke jogged off towards Octavia and Luna.

Luna was pressing down on a wound on a man's arm. Clarke found a piece of cloth. "It grazed him." Luna told Clarke.

"I'm just gonna wrap it for now. I'll check it once we get everyone safe." Clarke told the man. The man nodded and Clarke started to wrap it and then moved on. Some people were getting carried out as Clarke finished up.


Thank you to The 100 Wiki for helping me with the fight scene. Thank you for the votes!


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