Harmonious Land part 2

Start from the beginning

The main Trolls were sleeping with their sleeping bags. Everyone started soundly in their sleep. Aggie was sleeping next to the pink flower where the opening of Harmonious Land was held.

Suddenly, the ground started to shake softly. No one seemed to feel it in their sleep, except for Aggie, who suddenly woke up, and yawned. She was alerted by the shake as she knew Harmonious Land was about to open.

"Guys, wake up!" Aggie yelled, but some of the groaned tiredly, refused to wake up. She approached Melody, who was hugging her stuffed glitter gator, and shook her to wake up, "Wake up, wake up!

"Aggie, it's early. Why do we have to wake up this early?" Melody yawned.

"Harmonious Land, it's opening!" the Magic Musical Troll exclaimed.

This made the half-Pop/half-Rock Troll snap her eyes, and opened as she noticed a small hole next to the flower started to expand, "Everyone, wake up! The Harmonious Land is opening!"

This made the other Trolls slowly wake up from their slumber, and yawned. And then noticed the hole besides the flower expanded even more. The Trolls picked up their sleeping bags, and quickly moved backward. They watched the hole expanded while walking backwards, but they realized their vehicles were still parked behind them. They all hoped the hole won't reached them.

Just then, the hole stopped expanding, just under the tip of their feet.

The Trolls leaned their heads forward, and saw what's in that hole. It was a big city of Harmonious Land. They couldn't see any Trolls from up there because it was way down deep. They only saw the tiny lights down there.

"Whoa!" They awed wondrously.

"How can we get down there?" Biggie asked.

"It looks deep down there," DJ added.

Suddenly, something marginal just happened as it appeared to be a slide formed from thin air, and in spiral form, from Harmonious Land to its entrance. The start end of the slide were in front of the Trolls, lending them a slide down.

"Well, this is the opening of Harmonious Land," Aggie chuckled, "Who wants to go first?!"

"Aggie, you lived here. You have to go first," Val reminded

"Fine. I was just giving you a chance to go first because going down... is the fun part!" Aggie jumped onto the slide, hugging her knees, and slid down the spiral slide, "WWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

"They have swerly slides ta go there?!" Buckaroo arched a brow.

"That's the fun part? It looks like a killer slide!" Branch exclaimed.

"I know, looks totally killer! Whoo!" Synth grabbed Branch, and threw onto the slide.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" the King of Pop screamed when he sld all the way down the spiral slide.

"Hey, that's not fair, I'm taking the slide next! Wahoo!" Poppy leaped in, and slid down.

"Oh well, wouldn't want to miss this fun! Wooooo!" Trollex shrugged as he slid down as well as Beat followed him.

"Hey, wait for us!" Melody chuckled as slid down.

"Woo-hoo!" Holly cheered as she followed.

The rest of the Trolls jumped onto the slide, and slid all the way down in spiral.


When Aggie already landed first, the rest of the Trolls followed.. Some of them chuckled after that experience, while some felt dizzy and sick after a 4-minute sliding

Trollstopia Season 2: Harmonious LandWhere stories live. Discover now