Chapter Twenty

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Chocolate Tiramisu.


Marriage is a big step to take when one is in a relationship. What about someone like me who hasn't been in a relationship properly? Do I say yes or do I say no?

Here he was still on his knee with the most gorgeous ring I have ever seen. It was made to fit a princess. All I know is that I love this man in front of me. But marriage is scary.

"Armelle, Will You Marry Me?" Alex repeated the question as he thought I didn't hear him. "I know that am rushing to this but I don't want to let you go. I did all those years and I can't anymore".  He looked at me nervously wanting to know my answer.

I opened my mouth wanting to reply to him, but I remembered what my sister said to me when she was about to walk down the aisle; "Armelle, don't lose the chance to be happy with someone you love and loves you back. Dont let go of that love no matter what. You might end up regretting that you didn't choose to be with the person who loves you."

She was right as always. I looked at Alex and said: "Yes, I will marry you." He put the gorgeous ring on my finger and kissed me as he always did.


I can't believe she said yes. Amelia was right in saying that Armelle just needed time to get herself together and for me not to follow her to where she was for the last two years and a half. 

"Congratulations", Everyone started saying while entering the room. I couldn't believe that it worked. She is and will always be my chef. 

"You guys planned this, And William you too", Armelle was surprised to see everyone there. Including William's fiancee Greg who was Armelle's boss in Paris.

"I guess you aren't coming back now, this is where you meant to be. I will miss you my favorite chef", Said Greg hugging her. She had that twinkle in her eyes as she always did when she started working for me.

Caleb congratulated us with a glass of champagne that he brought for us. Sometimes your best friend can even be your sibling.

"Well, congratulations Alex. All I wanted was my sister's happiness and it is with you. Don't make her cry or I will stick Caleb to you". Says Amelia.

"So when's the wedding?" Asked My father who was there with my mother and my sister. I looked at Armelle, I knew she would want a small wedding and also in a few months to come not immediately.

"In three months", I said knowing that Armelle would agree with me. 

Three Months Later. (Authors PoV)

Everything was planned for Alex and Armelle's wedding. The two were very excited for the day to arrive without a hitch or anything that will make the day bad for them.

Armelle was dressed in her mother's wedding gown which Amelia stored for her. She wanted Armelle to wear it as their mother would have wanted. It was a gorgeous lace gown filled with beautiful stones. The flowers on the dress were handmade by their grandmother. 

"You look beautiful Armelle. But something is missing, something blue", says Amelia handing her a blue comb for her hair. "It was mom's, she would want you to have it". 

"It is so beautiful. Thank you so much, Amelia, for everything you have done for me". Says Armelle trying not to cry as the makeup artist spends a long time doing it.

"We are ready for the bride", says the wedding coordinator who was outside the door. 

"Are you ready? Are you sure you want me to walk you down the aisle?", asks Caleb as he approached them.

"Yes, to both your questions. Caleb, you are my brother now.  I would like nothing more than for you to walk me down the aisle", replied Armelle while holding Caleb's arm.

The floral arrangement matched everything that they wanted. As the wedding song played Alex looked up to see Armelle walking down the aisle with Caleb who was also his best man.

"You look beautiful, my love", whispered Alex to Armelle. The priest officiated the wedding and ask if they have their vows. 

Alex started saying his vows; When I meet you, I didn't know that you would make a big impact on my life. Am happy that I met you, my love. I love you and always will until the end of time"

Armelle's Vows; I remember the day when you said I love you. From that day I knew that there will be no one like you for me. I love you and always will until the end of time.

The priest handed them the rings and asked them to repeat after him. And they did. 

"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Valiente". The guests cheered as the couple kissed, Alex held his wife not wanting to let her go just yet.

"Well, Mrs. Valiente are you ready for our lives to start". 

"Yes, I am ready Mr. Valiente."

Author's note; Here is the end. 

Stay safe

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