Chapter; Eighteen

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Why do people jump to conclusions without someone finishing what they are saying? Here I am sitting at the same coffee shop that Alex left me. I shook my head and went to follow him.

"Are you not going to let me finish? Or are you going to walk away?". I said to him once I saw him near his car. He looked at me surprised to see me there. 

"I heard what you said, what more is there to say?" He said as he was opening the car door. What do I have to do to this guy? 

"I love you, Alexander James. And I am not dating William". I shouted at him stopping him from getting in the car. "I have to go maybe this will never work. Goodbye Alex, take care of yourself".

I walked away knowing I tried to tell him how I feel. I guess sometimes that isn't enough for anyone. Moving on to another thing like getting the job I came back home to do. Maybe walking away isn't a bad thing. 

Sometimes we just have to walk away from something that isn't meant to happen.


How have you ever felt stupid? I have and I still am. I let her leave after all that she said. 

"Hey, it's me. We need to talk, it is really important". I asked someone I called. It's time for me to get her back and not to try and make myself look and feel stupid.

It has been a few days since I met Caleb who helped me in working on the plan on getting her back. I have even met William, he isn't all that bad. 

"So do you think it will work? Or I could think of something else". 

"Alex, she is leaving in a few weeks, going back to Paris. I am going with her and am sorry to say this, she might not come back here". Says, William. I knew this was going to happen but I didn't know that it will be this soon.

"Why? I thought she had a job here, that's why she came back". I thought to myself.

"Actually, Alex she came back for you, but I heard what happened when you guys met. I think that's why she changed her mind about staying back", William explained to me. So her decision to leave was because of me, because of what I did.

"Dude, don't beat yourself up. You didn't know, you thought that she was engaged". Says Caleb.  I wish I didn't do what I did. 

I knew that when I see Amelia, she would have my head for what I did to her sister once again. People say true love comes once in a lifetime, maybe that's true. But what if we are too blind to see it? Then what?

Authors note;

The plan is on its way. will it be a successful one or not?

Stay safe.

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