Chapter Twelve

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I kissed her pouring all my feeling into the kiss hoping she would feel the same way about me. I was actually surprised that she kissed me back, I thought she would slap me and not kiss me. Remembering the past will bring nothing but pain in someone's life even though it made them who they are today. What matters is that we can overcome everything that life would throw against us.

In the coming days, Armelle and I spent time together. With the planning of the wedding and the reception, there was no time for us to be together. The day of the wedding was here, finally.

"Hey, are you alright? You seemed distracted by something". Asks Armelle when she saw me looking at the entrance of the restaurant. There stood my parents Julie and Jake who said that I wasn't going to get anything from being a chef but I did prove them wrong as I did all the negative people that said that.

"My parents are here..."

"Thats great news, now they will see what a great chef their son is," she says smiling at me. I knew right there and then that I will marry this woman in front of me. "Besides it's good they are here, second chances are hard to come by. So don't miss this chance for your parents".

As they approached us, I knew that Armelle would leave, I grabbed her hand and held her back. "Please stay". I whispered in her ears.  She was right about second chances, some might regret not forgiving and giving a second chance to their family.

"Mom, dad. What are you guys doing here?" I asked them getting a jab in my stomach from Armelle.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Valiente. How are you guys doing?". She asked them. This girl is something else. 

"We are fine, young lady. I know that we have mistakes in the past I just hope we can talk about it and maybe get past it". says my father who thought that being a chef was a waste of time and money.

"Sorry to cut this short but could you follow me to the office, it is better for you to talk there". Says Armelle. I knew that she was hoping for me to talk to and forgive my parents but I don't think I am ready for that yet.


I knew that I shouldn't have done that but people were starting to look at Alex and his parents. All I wanted was to give them privacy to talk and solve whatever they can.

"Alex, am sorry if I crossed the line, all I wanted was to give you some privacy so that no unwanted person could hear your conversation". I told him before letting him go into the office with his parents.

He just smiled and kissed me on my forehead. "I know that, and you will be joining us in the office, before you say anything I need you in there with me, please". He said giving his puppy eyes. He looked so adorable, I wish I could take a picture of him.

"Fine but I will come with..." Without finishing what I was saying he already pulled my hand to the door. Before opening the door, he took a deep breath.

"Babes, You aren't going to a battlefield. Those in there are your parents so open the damn door and go in". I tell him, surprised that I called him 'Babes'.

He opened the door, pulling me beside him.

"I thought this will be between us and you, son. What is your employee doing here?" Asks his father who I have yet to learn his name.

"Dad, this is my fiancee Armelle and she isn't an employee here. She is also like me a chef. So if you don't treat her with respect then I believe that they wouldn't be any talking between us. I love this woman right here, and she is everything to me and much more. So if you are done with talking I suggest you don't talk that way about my wife." Alex tells his father surprised me by saying he loves me.

I couldn't believe that he stood up for me, especially his parents. Although they didn't look the kind of people to look at others like trash maybe I am mistaken.

"Am sorry, son. I didn't know..."

"You should ask Armelle to forgive you and not me", he cut off what his father was saying. I squeezed his hand to say 'behave'. I just hoped he got the message.

"It's okay Sir. No harm is done." I said to them. I didn't want the drift between Alex and his parents to be wider just because of me.

"Thank you Armelle for being there for my son. I just hope that he will try and forgive us for what we did. We thought we were doing what's best for him instead of letting him chose his own path of life and career. And I am glad that he found someone like you to spend the rest of his life with". His mother told me. She got up from the chair and hugged me as if she is welcoming me to the family.

At that moment I started missing my mother and father. I miss their hugs and kisses, their voices. 

"Babe are you okay?" Asked Alex when he saw me wiping a tear from my eyes. I shook my head and smile at him.

"I am okay. I will just go and come with some drinks and some food for your parents". I tell him. He didn't let me go until he kissed me on my forehead.

I walked out of the office, and headed towards the kitchen. I asked one of the waiters there to get to a tray. I put everything that was needed and went back to the office. 

When I reached there, I opened the door just in time to see Alex's mom handing him something, and when he saw he shoved it into his pocket.

"Thanks, Armelle". Julie said to me. Alex told me their names when we were at the door of the office.

"Yes, thank you for whatever you told our son. Who has forgiven us for what we have done". His father Jake said to me

"I have something to say, don't take this the wrong way. When kids choose their path, their parents are supposed to guide and support them and not discourage them. Parents' guidance to their children is very important for them for their future. In my opinion, don't force a child to be something they aren't and when they do they might end up being miserable and blaming the parents for the rest of their lives". I said to them hoping that I didn't offend them in any way.

"You are completely right".

" You are right son, she is one in a million." Says Jake. I was confused about what they were talking about but I knew that Alex would tell me later.

Author's note;

Hello, readers and writers alike. How are you all doing? Everyone has ups and downs but we shouldn't let them affect our lives. We should be stronger than them, and smile more. 

Another chapter enjoy.

Stay safe.

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