Chapter Nine.

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Almond chocolates.


Therapy has been going great. I feel so free without any excess baggage from the past. And most of all am happy because I can finally move on from whatever was keeping me from doing it.

Now that my training was over I had to look for a job. I found one at a diner, it was better than staying idle and doing nothing all day.

"Armelle, take this to table two", said Mark. I work in a diner. Yeah, a diner. It is not like I lacked experience in working at a restaurant, it's just that I needed to be free from that as my therapist told me.

Approaching the table, one look at the customer I knew who it was.


"Here is your order. Would you like anything else?". I asked him as it was polite.

"No thank you. By the way congratulations on the wedding". he tells me.

What wedding is he talking about? I didn't even bother to reply to him. I was confused as to what wedding was he talking about?

I just went back to work. It is what I love to do. Love can wait.


Strange, that she looked confused when I congratulated her. As long as she is happy with him, then I am not going to interfere in their relationship. When I heard that she now works in a diner, I needed to see her for the last time.

She is still beautiful as she was before, but now she looked at peace and radiant. She was almost glowing. I paid for the meal and left her a tip.

What shocked me the most was that she wasn't even wearing an engagement ring. I had to keep my feelings aside for my best friend, who has always been there for me no matter how bad or even good the things were for us.

Caleb has been my partner when my own family didn't believe in my dream of being a chef and owning my own restaurant.

As the days go by, the day of the engagement had arrived. It was held at our restaurant, everything was set. The planners were already done with making the place look beautiful.

The only ones remaining were Caleb and Armelle to arrive. It was time to move on from the fact that she is getting married.

"They are here, Chef." an employee told me, I looked up and saw Caleb holding Amelia's hand instead of Armelle. I was confused as to what was happening. There must be an explanation for what am seeing.

I needed to talk to Caleb urgently, if he was cheating on Armelle with her sister, he will have to answer to me. He might be my best friend but it doesn't mean that I would tolerate him cheating.

I know that he never told me who his fiancee was, I just assumed it was her.


When I told Alex that I was getting married, I didn't expect him to go see her. The person who he thinks that I was marrying. When Amelia told me what Armelle said about him showing up at the diner.

Although, I wasn't marrying her. I was marrying her sister. It wasn't a secret that I fell in love with her, the way she was. She was everything I wanted in a wife and the future mother of our future kids. Today is the engagement party that Alex insisted on having because he keeps saying that he owes me for what I did to help him.

He is yet to know that the woman, I am marrying isn't the one he is in love with.

"Do you think, this will work? I mean my sister deserves to be happy after what she went through. It has almost been a year and a half since that day." Says Amelia.

I knew that her sister meant the world to her. I know that Alex would never hurt Armelle again after what happened.

"Babe, this will work. Besides he went to see her, and if she had a ring on her finger. It is just he doesn't want to hurt me by telling me how he feels about her". I explained to her about the plan.

"I just told Alex that I was getting married but I didn't tell her who it was, he just assumed that it is her. It is what they need, and they complement each other. When they cook together, it's like they have this connection that will be there forever". I tell her. I know that she will support me, for her sister.

The engagement is real, we are really getting married. I love Amelia, and she loves me too. Armelle gave us her blessing to be together.

Arriving at Alex's restaurant, seeing his reaction was too priceless. I couldn't help but laugh at him. Damn, he sure loves her.

"Congratulations Guys," said Armelle hugging me and Amelia. "And Caleb take care of my sister, she is my world". Then she walked away. At least she is happy now.

"Caleb, can I talk to you alone?" He asked. I nodded and whispered to Amelia that I would be right back.

"What's going on?"

"Seriously, man. Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. I know that he must be confused and I needed to clarify that confusion.

I explained everything to him about Amelia and me. How we came to where we are now.

"Yes, we have Armelle's blessings, and no I wasn't cheating on her with her sister because we weren't even together as a couple. We were just hanging". I tell him.

"So, will you make a move or let someone else do it for you?", I asked him while pointing at Armelle who was talking to someone." I can smell, your jealousy. Dont let her go, man".

I left him alone with his thoughts. I just hoped he would do the right thing for both of them. People can change when they are given a chance to, but when they are discarded liken trash they might end up being the same way as they did before.

Author's Note

Second chances are very hard to come by. So we better cherish what we are given, even if it just a small chance. 

The next chapter will be up soon.

Stay safe.

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