Fire & Cold Cry

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She was crying, wailing, but no one was listening to her. She slowly started to suffocate from the smoke, then the fire began to burn her epidermis, the thin outer layer of skin, then it continued to the thicker layer of skin. The fire's heat started causing her body skin to tear and the fat, muscles, and internal organs to shrink. Her body muscles contract due to burning, and it caused the joints to flex.

In a few minutes, her whole body turned into the fire turned into the ashes.

Furious Villagers didn't stop at her death; they were now trying to burn her house too. They burned everything, and razed the whole place to the ground and turned it into the ashes. The soot from the dead embers was so dark and thick that it changed the entire area's colour from green to black. There was nothing left except for the ashes.

The abducted children were never found, and nobody knows what happened to them afterwards. The villagers searched for the children for years, but they hadn't found anything. Villagers stopped visiting the area after that incident and completely abandoned it.

The old lady's fear has still dwelled in the heart of the villagers. Even now, people are afraid of her, and nobody speaks about her. She was the true devil who had been dead for the century, but people are still scared of her and the last words that she had spoken when she was burning in front of the whole village.

Before her death, she said,

"One day, I will return to take my vengeance with every villager even if you die, then I will take my revenge with your children and their children.

I will kill anyone who will try to steal my possessions."

While practicing witchcraft, she owned so many valuable ornaments to use it for black magic. Some ornaments have been stolen after her tragic death. She was obsessed with her belongings, and people still believe that whoever tries to steal her belongings after her death will come after them and take revenge.

Until then, she is waiting for the right moment...

People used to say that she had three rings, which were very precious to her, through that she performed all her evil acts. Nobody found those rings after her death. Even the villagers searched those cursed rings for many years. As if anyone wears that ring, it will open the door for the old lady to reenter this world.

Holland asked how the rings will help her to reenter this world?

Augusta replied, I don't know, but people used to say that it only works when she has all three rings.

The witch house was located in the same location where you built your house. That's why nobody came to your party or ever visited your house.

Augusta said it is my personal recommendation for you to leave that house. If you find anything from that plot, burn it immediately; otherwise, she will return and kill not only you but also the whole village will suffer from her wrath.

Holland said when I bought that plot, nobody said anything about the witch and her curse.

Augusta said, 'A light purse is a heavy curse.'

After hearing this story, Holland believed the old man. Now he knows the reason behind his friend's death. He rushed to his house to destroy the last remaining ring before anything could happen to his children.

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