Prologue - On its last legs

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On the dark night of hunter's moon, a last full moon of October, Rick ran towards his end. He was exhausted, out of breath, his feet got swelled, his throat became withered, but still, he was running to his end. as someone was chasing him all night.

He trembled when his left foot got stuck in the tree's branch near the brink of the steep mountain. He lost his balance and finally fell down into the bushes. He tried vigorously to stop himself from falling off the mountain but couldn't succeed. He littered in mud and screaming in high pitched sound because of pain, but nobody heard his scream. Eventually, he lost his consciousness and faint.

He lay there for a few minutes, and when finally he woke up, he saw an old lady crawling toward him. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't as he lost control of most of his body. The old lady grabbed Rick by the hair and dragged him forcefully to the burial ground by murmuring,

"You belong to god now.

You cannot run.

You're the animal of sacrifice.

You're the key to eternal life.

You're the toy of my god."

She took Rick to the sacrificial stone. She picked the axe and swung it in such a force that the boy's head rolled far from the rock. After cutting the boy's head, she spilled all the blood on the Twine Evil deity, Moartevild & Viaţăvile, and completed her wicked ritual.

A few Years Later...

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