Glimpses into the Future (part 2)

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After the mission with my mother I couldn't seem to shake the vision I had, the smells, the voices . . . lance. It all seemed so real, so right but with lance it could never happen. Were rivals or so he says anyway, and he doesn't even like boys, he likes girls like Allura.

I sat down in my seat on the ship we were heading back to meet Voltron and I felt nervous, I don't know if I can even face lance. My mom said it would be the future but a future like that, so kind, no war, that didn't seem possible. Were in the middle of a war, we can't risk any distractions. I just have to hide it until the blade leaves, I'll just avoid lance, no matter how much I want to admit the truth. But who am I kidding I couldn't admit to him if I wanted to.

I knew I could never admit to him of what I saw or anyone for that matter, I couldn't admit that I could see myself with him, or admit that I think he's cute, or admit that I love hearing him laugh, and I couldn't admit that the future I saw was what I wanted.

A future with him.

When we reached the castle, I felt my heart start to race, I never felt this before and that damn vision is putting lies in my head. We all existed, and everyone was there to greet us, Shiro pulled me into a tight hug which after a moment I hugged back it felt good to be back. I grew up with out a family for a long time till Shiro showed up and then I met pidge, hunk. Allura, Coran, and lance. When Shiro released me, I took in the others as they all were happy to see me, my gaze stopped though when I noticed lance. For the past week I couldn't get those blue eyes out of my head or the feeling of his lips on mine, he was all that was on my mind.

"hey" he said softly nodding at me, he wore the red armor which I was glad he wore, he wasn't born to be the leg he was born to lead, I saw that in him and I hope he can too. I couldn't look away from him and I couldn't figure out what to say. My mom placed a hand on my shoulder as he explained what we've been doing for the past week leaving out what happened by the dark star.

When we all ate I sat away from lance hoping that if I avoid him the feelings would go away, I found a excuse to not talk to him every time he tried to speak to me. During dinner I heard my name and turned to find lance looking at me, I opened my mouth only to quickly shut it and head off to bed, it was better this way the more distant I am the more likely he won't want to be near me.

"Hey Keith" I turned to notice lance as he began to make his way towards me, I wanted to have a reason to escape but with no one and nowhere to go I knew I couldn't avoid him anymore.

"what lance?" I said in a rough tone hoping he'd leave me alone. "why do you keep avoiding me?" he asked once he got closer to me making me look at him.

"I'm not-" I began but the quickly got angry and stopped me.

"YES, you are, look I don't want to be mean but your gone for a long time and when your back its for like a day. We miss you. . . I miss you" he said stuffing his hands in his jacket looking at his feet sheepish.

"look I guess I'm just trying to say is I like you okay. I know with the war and everything having any kind of relationship is like impossible" I couldn't move as he just let his heart out in front of me, all I could see was that one morning with pancakes cooking and the sound of laugher.

"I-I just want to- to know that after all this you think there might be a- I don't know – for us to have a future?" he asked stumbling over his words, I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I stayed away because I was afraid of the future but here's lance standing in front of me asking for exactually what I want.

I moved close to him brushing the tears away with my thumb as I looked into his blue eyes, I pulled his face closer till our lips collided.

It technically wasn't my first kiss with lance but at least I knew it wasn't going to be the last.

For the future told me so. 

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