There's That Hotel Suite

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"C'mon, Lo..." Alex growled into her chest before lifting his head, fingertips dancing from her hip upwards to curl around the top of her shoulder, holding her down on him, angling her deeper. "Fookin' give it."

Lola rolled her eyes and flicked her hair back, working her hips into his lap at an exhausting, constant pace. Her eyelids felt heavy, weighed down by the blur of lust and the alcohol she could still taste on her tongue.

"Fook tha's it, rehyt there."

"Shhh..." she pleaded, jaw tense with a sort of loving annoyance she'd grown into, trying desperately to hold on to the tension inside her in the hope it'd spill out blissfully. "Please, shhh..."

"Yeh love me voice," he chuckled, tilting his head forward again to ignite a fire in her stomach with the intensity of his gaze, his thumbs pressed into her skin to hold her down on him.

"You love your voice," she breathed shakily.

"'ey!" he chuckled, delivering a quick, hard slap to her ass as she lifted herself on his cock again.

She whimpered and squeezed his bicep under her grip. "Fuck."

"Dun't give meh cheek," he responded, his chest rumbling with laughter. "Unless yeh want meh teh give it back."

Lola exhaled shakily, a moan following when he bucked his hips up into her. "Yesss..." she hissed, tipping her head back. "Fuck."

The heat between them was sticky, overwhelmingly so, the cranked open window allowing an occasional breeze into the cramped, darkened hotel room, moving the dainty curtains back and forth, but it was nothing substantial enough to soothe. The old bed frame creaked beneath them as she rocked him into the mattress.

"Does this make yeh feel dirteh?" he asked, his tone as teasingly inquisitive as it was serious.

"What?" she asked quietly, resting her head forward on his shoulder as he continued to thrust upwards, his movements slowing naturally as he formulated a sentence, the relief she craved seeming to slip further from her reach.

"The bed creakin'," he drawled, straining to speak between bucks of his hips. "Sounds like it's... gunna break, dunnit?"

Lola laughed breathily. "I suppose so."

"D'yeh fink they can 'ear us next door? In the room over?"

"Alex," she hummed, shaking her head. "Love you, but..." She leant in to cup his chin as she kissed him, her hand slipping down to his throat, fingernails digging into the sheeny, tanned skin of his neck. "I can't... talk... and fuck you... at the same time."

He pouted, before his pout gave way into a smirk. "Alrehyt," he said, nodding his head, licking his lips before leaning in to kiss her again, groaning when she picked up the pace with nothing but the pleasure to focus on, her hand loosely at the base of his throat.

Alex caught her off guard when he shifted the angle slightly, tipping her back towards the mattress so that he could deliver the power she needed, deeper, harder, his hands tightly gripped on her thighs as he buried himself into her. He was now almost fully on top of her and mostly in control.

Her entire body was aware of his touch as he shifted his fingertips on her skin and squeezed her again and Lola looked up at him, her mouth falling open as he began to punish her with his hips. She tightened her hand around his bicep and his throat subconsciously, continuing to squeeze gently when she saw his eyes on her, watching them roll back a little and letting go when she felt his body shake with tension.

His chest heaved as he fought to keep up the pace he'd set, head dipped, barely able to hold himself up. "Fook..." he groaned, his voice strained. ""

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