Champagne Kisses

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Alex couldn't be sure whether the shots she'd tricked him into taking after dinner had pushed him over the edge, or whether the champagne bottle they were sharing now had made his head feel full of sparkling stars, but he knew for a fact that the world was blurrier at that moment than it was before they'd decided to take a bath together in the oversized tub, and with Lola resting against his chest, her dainty fingers wound around the neck of the green and gold bottle, her tipsy bordering on drunken giggles bouncing off the bathroom walls, he was also pretty sure her existence had him intoxicated.

They had managed to undress before submerging themselves into the water, had emptied most of the bottle of expensive lotus and silk bath gel supplied by the hotel and had swayed shakily and danced to the tune Alex was humming while waiting for the golden tub to fill. Alex had almost slipped over trying to climb in, sloshing half the steaming water onto the tiles and Lola had laughed at his clumsiness, taking small sips from the bottle in her hands to both keep her delightful buzz going and to stop herself from salivating over the sight of her man naked, then she'd handed the bottle to Alex to gulp thirstily from as she followed after him.

Now that they were comfortable however, Alex's humming was softer, Lola's breathing was evening out and they felt dizzy but in a peaceful way, blissed out on the warmth and each other's company, barely moving except to brush each other's skin beneath the surface, Alex's arms locked tightly around her, his hair curly from the humidity and tickling her skin.

Lola's dark hair was half wet, strands clinging to her face and her makeup was streaking down her cheeks in a way that made her look somehow even more full of life, adventure and gorgeous character and it would've made a perfect picture with either of their cameras, were they sober enough to locate one and set up the shot, or willing to move from their tangled embrace. Alex switched the song mentally in his head and continued to hum, low, deep and completely unaware of his actions, reminded of a night they'd once spent at a piano.

Lola closed her eyes to enjoy the sensation, the vibration from his chest and neck surrounding her, his spicy cologne melting into the scent of the bath, the comforting noise he produced with his mouth eternally on tune. With the bubbles up to their shoulders, she let her head roll onto Alex's shoulder and smiled tipsily, fluttering her eyelashes as she looked up at him from the awkward angle.

"Yes?" he giggled. "May I 'elp yeh?"

Lola shook her head with minimal movement, smirking and opening her mouth to speak. "No... this is perfect..."

Alex shifted his head against hers and nodded in agreement, moving his hands slightly under the water to stroke her stomach, making her body shiver. "Now, this is tranquiliteh..." he chuckled. "'m so content. There's nowhere else I'd rafer beh..."

Lola laughed gently at him, lifting her head and leaning forward to take another inelegant sip from the bottle, then offering it with an eyebrow raised.

"Go on then..." he mumbled, lifting one arm reluctantly from her body, licking his lips and tipping the bottle in his hand back.

Lola watched him, watch the strength in his arms as he lifted the drink, watched his lashes flutter as he swallowed the sparkling liquid. From her lips on the bottle there was a little of her red lipstick which had transferred to his mouth and she giggled before reaching to swipe it off, then feeling the pout of his lips beneath her thumb, leant in until the tips of their noses were brushing and all they could focus on was the others eyes, gradually shifting forward again until their mouths met with a soft yet pleased moan, hunger, passion, alcohol fuelled adoration dragged into the power of the kiss.

Fumbling to place the bottle down behind him, Alex's then free hand came up shakily into her hair, stroking through the wet strands which had knotted under his touch and he groaned as she moved her lips with his, twisted her body to meet him as best she could sat between his legs, one of her breasts pressed against his chest, the nipple hardened. Her scent was everywhere, everything was heightened and Alex felt suddenly alive for her despite the numbness the drink had brought, there were now excitable embers sparking in his head, heart, stomach and between his legs.

Lola broke away by placing her hand on his chest, stroking her fingers there slightly until he let her come away from air. His cheeks were hollowed as he fought for control of his breathing and as soon as his dark, dreamy eyes had found the conviction to refocus on her, he smirked, giving her that expression she knew too well, as if he was claiming to know something she didn't. She thought about rolling her eyes or shaking her head but knew he'd gain too much satisfaction from it, so tried her poker face as best she could before the champagne bubbles and his expression prompted another uncontrollable laugh.

Alex smoothed the dark, wet strands from her face and raked his fingers gently back through her hair. Her cheeks were flushed adorably, her mascara was smudged, lipstick eroded by the force of his mouth on hers, the ferocity of the way he kissed even when trying to hold her gently and she giggled in a way that left him breathless had him trying to pin point the exact point in their journey he'd fallen head over heels in love with her, her jewel-like eyes, the effervescence of her energy, the way she worked a camera, her pride and posture, her heart.

As Lola relaxed into him again, Alex's hand slipped from her hair to the side of her neck, and tilted his head and hers to nudge his nose into the pale skin just below her ear, inhaling there as she hummed, let her perfume drown him before parting his lips to press a soft kiss there, gentle, his mouth slowly dragging upwards as he began to speak in a drawn out but shaky whisper. "Lola Davies, I love yeh."

With Alex's lips still moving against her neck, Lola opened her eyes wide, shock but not surprise settling in her. She waited until he lifted his face seconds later, clearly impatient for a response or some form of validation, but couldn't for a second mask her happiness and relief that it had come out at last, having felt like she'd let the same words slip for weeks now.

"I love you too," Lola whispered back with a smile and complete confidence, nodding her head as if she'd made a deal or promise that was long overdue. Despite her independence and her fight to establish her strength, integrity and hide her enteral need for him out of self-preservation, there was no denying that he owned her, heart and body willingly his as much as they were hers from the moment they'd crashed with force into each other's lives.

The rush of feelings that came with it after everything and the journey they'd been on had them both giddy and elated, Alex's eyes suddenly wet, his mouth suddenly dry and before he could overreact, say something stupid or propose without a ring in that now lukewarm bath tub in a hotel in the middle of nowhere, he crashed his mouth against hers, let Lola's kisses simultaneously overwhelm and soothe him, leave him desperate for more and render him eternally satisfied.

Heartbreak Hotel... and Beyond 🏩 (alex turner x oc one-shots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang