Diamonds Are Forever 💍

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"D'yeh kno' they 'ave the world's tallest chocolate fountain sumwhere 'ere?" Alex whispered, blinking slowly through the glorious haze of her perfume, the light sweat on her skin and her citrusy shampoo.

"Why else do you think we're here?" Lola teased, setting her empty martini glass down. She gave Alex a charming smile and leant in to kiss him when he held his hand out commandingly, humming when he clamped his palm at the back of her head and knotted his fingers in her otherwise sleek, shiny hair.

His kiss was warm, appreciative of everything she was, but overwhelming in the lustful bubble of their time together, the promise of another set of adventures which though unplanned were sure to unfold and he kept her there for as long as she'd allow until her hand came up on his chest to stop him from passing out from a lack of air. When he reluctantly drew back, there was a hint of her purple pink lipstick on his mouth and she gently wiped it with her thumb.

"Dun't purple suit meh?" he pouted.

"Everything suits you," she responded, before shuffling to lean back against Alex on the velvet couch in the bar, the two of them having found a secluded corner where nobody could bother them, but the bar was never too far.

With her head against his chest and his chin nestled into her hair, Alex felt so wholly relaxed and at ease. There was slit in the material of her navy blue dress which drew attention to the pale skin of her thigh and Alex skimmed his fingers there, humming when she lifted her hand lazily to stroke the side of his face. "Affectionate tonight," he smirked, pressing a chaste kiss into her hair.

"Says you," she sighed languidly, placing her fingers over his on her thigh. Her eyelids felt heavy from the cocktails she'd been tempted into, she was tired from a day of doing nothing but enjoying his company, indulging and his scent was so arousing and easy to lose herself in.

"Joost in love wif yeh," he rasped softly.

Lola smiled, because though she couldn't see his expression she could picture it, melted at just the idea of those warm eyes and that smile which suggested he knew something she didn't.

"Lola, love..." Alex mumbled.

Lola knew he had been needily waiting for a response. "Yeah, I love you too..." she giggled, tilting her head slightly to press her lips to his chest where the silky lavender fabric of his shirt parted.

"No..." he mumbled.

Now realising an idea had struck him, Lola lifted her head again from his chest, blinking slowly at him through her lashes and knew she'd have to ask what he was trying to say because he was clearly dragging it out through a combination of playful tipsiness and deep contemplation. "Yes, Alexander?"

He parted his lips to laugh preemptively at the words that were about to come from between his lips, dragging his hand slowly from her thigh to her hip, squeezing gently. "Weh should get married..."

Lola laughed on instinct, covering her mouth as her body shook with amusement, then found his eyes again and though everything was slightly blurred and she knew that a lack of self-awareness had been induced, there was despite the smirk on his lips a genuine honesty in his expression. Her heart was drumming in her chest. She raised her eyebrows. "Because we're in Vegas?"

"No... because weh're clearleh meant teh beh togefer... 'n' it'd beh an adventure..." He leaned into cup the back of her head in his palm, tilted her face and pressed a tentative kiss to her jaw. "I know yeh're cravin' an adventure..." he rasped.

"Alex..." she whimpered softly. His touch was melting her, his words had her trembling and she leant closer, allowed his lips to roam her neck.

"Are yeh in?" he whispered gently. "Please dun't say no teh meh."

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