Diamonds Are Forever 💍

Start bij het begin

Lola closed her eyes as he continued to press kisses over her clammy skin, moaning softly against her collarbone. She curved her body into his on the corner of the sofa and her fingers twisted into his hair. "Alex..."

"C'mon, Lo... beh meh fookin' wife," he giggled.

Despite the childlike innocence in his laugh, she found him irresistible, despite the millions of unanswered questions didn't want to say no, but was enjoying the way he tried to persuade her more than anything. "Yes," she responded almost breathless, her voice a hint. "Yes."

Alex chuckled then drew back to kiss her again, this time with force, zero resistance from either of them. His heart felt swollen with pride that she had agreed to be his with a permanent tie and though the alcohol had rendered him mostly out of control and unable to separate the logistics from the sparkling, shining idea that a Vegas wedding represented, he was too lost in her to consider anything other than ending the day married to Lola Davies.

"I'm guessing you don't have a ring for me?" she whispered, the tip of her nose pressed to his as they drew back for air.

"I'll get yeh one," he promised, impatiently pressing his mouth to hers again, both hands on her cheeks to keep her close.

She groaned into his mouth.

"May I suggest summat?" he giggled, lost in a frenzy of ideas, excitement and lustful kisses.

Lola nodded but only lasted three seconds before she leant in again, brushing her lips into his, biting on his lip gently when he moaned. He was now more than ever a complete dream, tasted like whisky and fireworks and she shifted closer, threw her leg over his until she was in his lap, moving into him subconsciously before remembering they were in public and she'd have to stop.

He stroked her hair back until she was momentarily satisfied again, until her swollen lips left his with permission for him to speak and cleared his throat. "Nobodeh should get married wifout summat old, new, borrowed 'n' blue."

"Then that's our adventure?" she asked, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.

He settled his hand on her thigh, rubbing gently and nodded. "Yeh." He admired the sparkle in her eyes and knew for a fact he'd never get bored of seeing it, thankful that the night was still young so that they'd still have time to pull it all off. His cheeks ached from smiling and his mind was working in overtime to make it all happen. "Weh 'ave teh register for marriage license so when should probableh do tha' first..."

"Right," she agreed, completely transfixed by his grin. She wiped the purple from his mouth again.


No less than five minutes later they'd clumsily made their way out the bar, had hurried upstairs for their IDs and had found themselves in a taxi, on their way to get their license. Alex held onto Lola's thigh the entire journey, his grip tight and tense, thumb digging into her in a way that may have given her a permanent bruise and she rolled her head onto his shoulder, allowing the lull of pace to render her of any thoughts, any worry. She was reminded of the excitement she'd felt in his embrace when they'd left the hotel together, only this time there was more certainty in it, love, trust, commitment and she had no reason not to extend that with a ring. Alex kissed her temple.

Once inside the license bureau, Alex's natural confidence and cockiness in who he was allowed him to cover for every drunken hiccup and slur. He purposely focused on the task at hand, obtaining the clearance they needed, handing their IDs over when prompted, speaking of his excitement to be with Lola without actually looking to her, worried with every second that passed she'd regret agreeing to this ridiculous idea and when they walked out with the go-ahead, Alex turned anxiously to her, taking both her hands.

Heartbreak Hotel... and Beyond 🏩 (alex turner x oc one-shots)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu