The Mirror's Image (Halloween)

Start from the beginning

He put his glasses on as they climbed into the taxi, his jaw taught as he shifted close to her, staring ahead with an expression of nonchalance despite how her perfume was intoxicating him. The ride to the club didn't take long, but Alex's hand wouldn't stop dragging over her thigh, at first above the fabric then teasing its way beneath it, calloused fingertips pressed into her skin.

"Alex..." she warned, cursing her decision to have so much skin exposed to him.

"'s joost yeh 'n' meh..." he drawled quietly, staring at the back of the taxi driver's head, unfazed by whether he noticed or not.

Lola knew not to prompt any further teasing because she couldn't handle it so early in the evening, so tried to adjust to the way he touched her instead, revelled in the way he caressed her thigh like the first time he'd held it. She stared down at her lap, trying to keep her breath even, though her mind was flooded with images of how deep he'd been inside her last night, how his moans had filled her ears, how he'd asked her to cum for him over and over.

Out of the taxi, Lola somewhat shakier than she had been climbing in, they queued for mere moments before Alex was too restless, eager to be near her, moving with her, wanted her out of the cold and he tried to talk himself in by name dropping, a trick which rarely worked in countries he didn't live in, and he ultimately reached for his wallet to convince the bouncer.

Lola felt flushed, her body electrified the second she stepped into the club. The beat was thick and heavy, vibrating through her and she dragged Alex by his hand through the corridor covered in decorative spider webs, passing numerous clowns, zombies, witches, superheroes, cowboys and policemen. The club was dark but the lights were flashing through the room mesmerisingly, reds and whites, a cloud of smoke filling the dance floor. She tugged Alex close as soon as they'd descended the steps into the room and found a space. He had single-handedly managed to pocket his glasses again, his eyes dark and compelling, sparkling whenever one of the lights danced over his face.

"Need a drink," Lola said over the thud of the music and nodded towards the bar to the left, squeezing Alex's hand. Her throat was dry from the heat, from how good Alex looked, how well the suit fit him.

Alex nodded and Lola continued to lead the way, didn't let go of his hand even at the bar, reminded of the way she used to hold his hand during their adventures at the hotel, how they dragged each other around like they belonged together, how she longed for his closeness before she truly knew him. She squeezed his palm as he tucked his other hand into his pocket.

"Never done one of those shots they set on fire," Lola mused, raising her voice and watching the bartender light up two for some girls at the opposite end of the bar.

Alex cocked his eyebrow in silence then pressed his lips close to her ear so that she could hear, his breath tickling her skin. "Me eifer... 's bit hazardous innit." Alex placed the pilot's hat on his head, sucked in his cheekbones, then gave a smirk, knowing exactly how much it suited him.

"Shall we give it a go?" she grinned.

The male bartender was clearly serving the single women first, even the ones who arrived after them and Alex kept trying to catch the eye of the man, with tuts of annoyance that were thankfully inaudible, but it was only when Lola leaned forward, that they were even noticed.

"Excuse me..." Lola yelled. "Can we get some drinks?"

The bartender nodded in response, his eyes very much glued to her chest and Alex moved his grip from her hand to her hip when he noticed, squeezing roughly.

"Weh'll 'ave two regular vodka shots, mate... and two flamin' ones," Alex shouted over the noise, leaning forward and curling his lip when the man reluctantly drew his gaze to him. He squeezed Lola's hip again - a reminder and visible declaration for everyone else that she was his.

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