"Your toothbrush..." she sighed, shaking her head.

Alex cocked his eyebrow inquisitively.

"I'm sorreh?" he chuckled, scratching his chest in confusion. "Me toothbrush?"

Lola nodded, turning her body so that she could tell him what was troubling her and Alex found himself eased by the way he no longer had to prompt her. He cleared his throat and pulled his arm out from around her, resting his hand on her knee and giving a soft squeeze.

"When I came up to the room after you'd left, your toothbrush was still in the pot by the sink. But I was upset so... I left it there..." Lola diverted her gaze and Alex laughed and stroked through her hair absent-mindedly as she continued to talk. "I completely forgot about it," she huffed. "We were in a rush and I was still sort of mad at you and now you don't have a toothbrush and it's all my fault."

Alex watched her for a moment, the dramatic seriousness in her expression at something so trivial making his heart pound with adoration. He let out a soft giggle and licked his lips.

"'s alrehyt," he assured her, cupping her face with his hand to calm her, stop her from worrying incessantly. "I can find anofer toothbrush, Lola, love," he insisted, turning her gaze to meet his.

Lola rolled her eyes and he pressed his finger and thumb softly into her cheeks, shaking her head back and forth as she pouted at him.

"Dun't beh silleh..." he mumbled, leaning forward to peck her lips gently. She tasted sweet, like her faint fruity lip balm and he couldn't resist going in for another when she melted against his mouth, the tension in her body easing a little as he drew away and traced her lip with his thumb. "'s a little bit of us left behind, eh?" he chuckled, wrinkling his nose.

Lola nodded, but Alex could see that she wasn't quite there, wasn't entirely soothed or convinced and it pained him. Her long eyelashes skimmed over her cheeks as she looked down, swallowing dryly. He needed to know what she was thinking, wanted nothing more than to fix it, reassure her.

"Is this realleh about the fookin' toothbrush, me darlin'?" he hummed, stroking her face as gently as he could with the movement of the vehicle which jostled them against each other.

She sighed dramatically, chewed on her lip then brought her eyes back to his. She didn't want to hurt him, or make him think she wasn't excited, wasn't elated just to be with him but she couldn't hide how she felt from him, couldn't mask the insecurity, the overthinking she had worked up from seemingly nowhere, had never once been able to.

"What if we don't work, Alex?" she whispered quietly. "What if this was all we were meant to have and we've ruined it by leaving the hotel together?"

Alex blinked back at her motionlessly, swallowed and Lola watched the sensitive skin stretching over his adam's apple as he processed her words, his jaw taught. His eyes said he hadn't been expecting that, hadn't predicted that she was feeling something that deeply.

"Dun't yeh fink like tha'..." he drawled suddenly, his voice hitching in his throat. "'s not... weh... uhh... fook, Lola, love... I..."

He took a deep breath, trying to rationalise it all in his head, to find the perfect words to give her faith but he was exasperated. Lola stroked the hair that had fallen into his eyes back, annoyed by the restriction of her seatbelt, wanted to be closer to him, to shift into his lap, to kiss him until her lips were swollen and she was incapable of overthinking the situation ever again.

"Yeh dun't need teh worreh..." he sighed at last, his voice deep and scratchy as it came out. "'m gunna make this work wif yeh 'n' 's not gunna beh easeh... but 's me prioriteh."

Lola exhaled shakily as he nodded back at her. She bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from prolonging something that he had already concluded so well. He didn't need to promise her a single thing because she knew she trusted him, could see how much he was affected by her panic because there was a shimmer, a glint of emotion in his eyes.

"Alrehyt?" he hummed impatiently, dragging his thumb back across her lip in mesmerisation.

"Yes," she whispered back, smoothing the flat of her palm over his thudding chest then drawing away. "I'm sorry."

Alex gave a soft smile, tilting her chin and forcing the corners of her lips to turn upward, the warm chocolate of his eyes intoxicating despite the worries she had had. There was something magical about his presence, his perfect features, the wrinkle of his nose, the heat the radiated from his touch, his rambling words, his thick drawl, the way he so obviously cared for her. He never failed to comfort her.

"C'mere... need a fookin' kiss now..." he rasped, clutching his heart. "Fookin'ell... scared meh..."

Alex pulled Lola closer to him, his arm stretching across her shoulders and smoothing down her back. He linked his fingers around hers and gave her hand a squeeze. He smelled heavenly and she initiated the kiss first, desperate to soothe him now, make sure he knew how deeply addicted to him she was, how unwilling she was to let him go. His mouth was warm, his lips chapped but they moved with hers blissfully, his soft, sleepy moans against her lips making her whimper when he pulled away.

"I'm in this, Al..." she whispered as they curled up in the back seat together again, her eyes closing again as her heart's panicked thud slowed until it was seemingly synced with his. "I mean it..."

Lola stroked and traced the veins in his forearm, inhaled his cologne, allowed herself to be immersed in his divinity, the raw loveliness of him.

"Meh too, Lo..." he sighed drowsily, inhaling the aroma of her shampoo, his lips parted against her hair, her head against his chest, his fingers drawing heart shaped patterns into her side. "Meh fookin' too..."

Heartbreak Hotel... and Beyond 🏩 (alex turner x oc one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now