15 - Into the Deep

Start from the beginning

The drawers slid out and the hearts could be heard beating. Still holding the heart she removed from its box, she stepped towards the doorway of the hut, looking at the corpses that were strewn across the field.

"Rise," Cora said and the corpses began to move, standing on their feet and they started to march into the woods.

Alana, Emma, Mary Margaret, Aurora and Mulan were still in the woods, Alana held up a picture of Henry to Aurora.

"The boy you saw in your dream, is that him?" Alana asked.

"Yes. That's Henry," Aurora said.

"That's impossible. It was a dream," She folded up the photos and slid it back into her pocket, "How could you dream of my son?" Alana questioned.

"I have no idea," Aurora said.

"Maybe it wasn't a dream," Mary Margaret said.

"What?" The twins said.

"That room... I've been there," Mary Margaret said.

"When I told you about it, you didn't say anything," Aurora said.

"You were terrified. I didn't want to make things worse by telling you I thought it might be real," Mary Margaret said.

"A room in a dream is real?" Mulan questioned.

"The sleeping curse. It has to be. I went through it, Aurora went through it..." Mary Margaret said.

"Henry's been through it because I wouldn't believe him," Alana said sadly.

"We wouldn't believe him, you're not to blame," Emma said.

"Girls..." Mary Margaret said.

"What else did you lie about?" Aurora asked Mary Margaret.

"I was... I wasn't lying. I was protecting you," Mary Margaret said.

Alana looked Aurora, "What did he say? Henry. In the... In the dream?" Alana asked.

"He just said his name. He... And then, I woke up, and... It was over," Aurora said.

Alana walked away from them a little and Emma and Mary Margaret followed her, "Alana. It's going to be okay," Mary Margaret said.

"We are so far from okay," Alana said.

"No. We have a way home now," Mary Margaret said. 

"We have a compass, and the wardrobe ashes are still with Cora," Emma said.

"Any attempt to steal from her would be suicide," Mulan said.

"Exactly, I don't want to nearly die, again before you psychopath step-grandmother," Alana said.

"Not anymore. We can stop her," Mary Margaret said.

"How?" Mulan asked.

"I don't know. But I know someone who does... Rumpelstiltskin. He'll know a way... And if not, I know exactly who can stir him to help us, Delphinia," Mary Margaret said.

"Henry...We can talk to him. Now we can communicate," Alana said.

"Wait, wait," Aurora said.

Alana looked at Aurora, "Oh yeah, princess. You're going back to sleep," Alana said.


Aurora appeared in the flaming room in the Netherworld and she looked around.

"Henry! Henry! Henry! Henry!" Aurora called out as she shielded herself from the flames.

Henry appeared across the room, "Hello? Hello?" Henry called out as he shielded himself from the flames.

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