"Yes! I remember that adventure very well! What else is in the myths?" Thor replied.

"Uh...wait what about that time when Reindeer Games over there got his mouth sewn shut?"

Loki heard the words piece through the air and he almost choked. He could remember every fine detail of that day, the pain, the blood, the overwhelming feeling of being alone. His hands were shaking slightly and, was it just him was it harder to breath?

Voices were still talking but it felt like he was underwater, it was all drowned out and unclear. What was happening? His lungs had started to constrict and he could barely fill them with air. He was drowning.


Peter was excited to say the least when Tony invited him over to the Tower. He had visited a few times prior but that was when he needed to work with the man in the lab, now it was just...for fun?

He sat comfortably on the sofa, his chemistry book blanced on the end of it with his textbook and pencils in his lap. He could hear Tony talking to Thor about some myths but he was more focused on his work. Why was chemistry so easy?

He finished off the last question before shutting the heavy book which caused his pencil to fall onto the floor by his feet. Peter leaned forward and picked it up, but he noticed something odd. Loki was shaking every so slightly. His hands that were clutched around the book were pale white and he could see the heavy rise and fall off his chest, as if he couldn't breath.

The boy looked to meet the God's eyes but they were unfocused, staring off into the distance as if he wasn't seeing what he was seeing.

"Oh my God the pain! Ugh imagine the pulling and tickling sensation." Tony said next to him as he talked to Thor and Bucky.

Then everything quickly clicked in his head. Panic Attack. The converstaion was bringing back memories, bad memories that was senidng Loki into panic.

"Uh Mr Stark?" He said, keeping his eyes dead set on Loki.

"Jesus that would- in a moment Peter." Tony replied not even batting an eye at them.

"No Mr Stark-"

"Look kid in a-"

"No Mr Stark now, please stop talking." Peter said firmly, his eyes widened slightly at his own voice and by the look Tony gave him he wasn't too happy.

"I'm sorry for being rude but Mr Loki is having a panic attack and I think it has got something to do with what you're talking about."


Tony's head whipped around to stare at Loki, closely followed by Thor who immediately walked towards his brother. "Loki? Loki hello?"

He grabbed the God's hand and held it tightly.

"Hey Point Break you good? Do you want-"

"I'll be alright."

"Okay bud let's give them some space." Tony whispered to Peter, placing a hand on his back and leading the both of them out, signalling for the others to leave too.

Thor turned his attention back to Loki and gently grasped his shoulders. "Loki look at me, please Brother."

But Loki couldn't. Thor wasn't really there, he was back, alone where he couldn't talk. His mouth tasted of iron and salt from the blood and tears and he couldn't breath.

"Loki please, just listen to me. Listen to my voice Brother."

The soft voice felt like it was easier to hear, was he near the surface yet? Then there was a hand on his own. It was grounding him, bringing him back to where he was.

"It's me Thor, okay? Just..open your eyes please."

Thor? Thor was here? But it was just in his head right? Just for comfort not real.

"I am real."

Did he say that out loud?

"Please Brother."

And then he broke through the surface and air reached this lungs. His eyes flew open as he inhaled deeply and breathed in the forbidden air.


The God blinked a few times to clear his vision as he looked to his side to see Thor. "Come here Brother it's okay." And Loki practically fell into his arms.

"Thor-..w-what? I-"

Thor just held him tightly, stroking his hair while rubbing a hand up and down his back gently. "You're not there now I'm here, we're here."

All Loki could do was nod slightly. He was here. Thor was here. They were safe. They were safe.

As if they spent the remainder of the night curled up on the sofa, Thor holding Loki tightly...no one had to know...


hope you liked!! :)))))

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