Sweet Sacrifice

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Hey guys Storm here. This is a Lab Rats Marcus/Chase Romance fanfiction, with one of my OCs. Well one of my friends created her and we basically share a brain. So she's letting me use her as she would fit best for this fanfiction. If anyone has any OCs for the story, such as a girl for Adam or a boy for Bree or something, here's the form to send them my way via in box. Chase is 15, almost 16, Bree is 16, almost 17, and Adam is 17, almost 18. Marcus is 15, almost 16.

Name: Vanessa Harson

Middle Name: Michelle

Age: 15

Birthday: Febuary 13th, 1997

Relation to the Davenport's (if any): Her dad went to college with Mr. Davenport.

Love interest: Chase/Marcus

Appearance: Black hair, Blue eyes, 5'3" height, 

Identifying Marks ( I.e scars, tattoos, etc.): She has a scar on her stomach from when she was stabbed when she was younger (you'll learn about that later), she has a few small scars from cutting, and she has a small tattoo of a rose that no one except her sister knows about, and only her sister knows why she got it. She also has her ears double pierced.

Hobbies: She likes to read and she likes to dance. She draws a lot and she also horse back rides.

Bad habits: She blasts music too loud everyday and she used to bite her nails. She also cuts herself occasionally, not that often anymore.

Personality: Usually quiet around other people, by herself or around her sister she is hyper as fuck and really fun and crazy. If you get her to open up about her past, then you are very special to her and you have to be careful not to bring up the really bad things about her past once you know.

Parents: Alicia and Robert Harson

Siblings (If any): She has an older sister, Jane who moved away from home and very little people know where she lives now. She knows she has an older brother, just not who or where he is, as he was put up for adoption long ago.

Any other information: Her dad was abusive, until he divorced her mom, that's why her sister left. Her dad was a scientist/inventor and he went to college with Donald Davenport. Her uncle is a scientist and is studying genetics and he comes over to visit her and her mother often as he lives nearby.

And that's about it for the form. If any other information is thought of, send it my way. Anyways I love you guys and thank you for reading.

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