Relizations PART 1

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I wake up my head pounding like a set of brums on a steddy beat. I groan covering my head up with the blanket that was covering me up.

"Emma please wake up." It was Micheal, why the hell was he in my room. I take a deep breath realizing I'm not in my bed, knowing that I let another groun.

I slowly come out from under the covers growning at the light that hit my face.

"Tylenal please." I say covering my eyes.

"Side table." He says glumly.

I take the pills swallowing them dryly then look at him mybhead still pounding.

"What happened to you?" He whispers.

"The guy I loved left breaking my heart and my trust in people in the process." I answer the words coming out without a filter which I regreted instantly.

Luke stood in the doorway with a sad expression. "I'm sorry." He whispers then walks off.

I go to get out of bed, but Michael stops me. "Let him go, he's already tore up enough." He says softly.

I let out a long sigh slipping out of bed then look down at my clothes or should I say Luke's clothes. "Who changed me?" I ask.

"Me, don't worry I didn't stare." Answers.

I node my mind on Luke and I'm guessing he notice. "If you want to talk to him I can get him for you." He offers.

I node and he leaves me with my thoughts.

After setting in bed for a while Luke slowly walked in with a sad expression. I couldn't hold it in I jumped out of bed and ran into his arms finding myself crying into his chest.

"Hey, hey its okay." He says running his fingers threw my hair. The gesture was calming and soothed me making the tears stop after a while.

I look up at him sniffling. "I'm so sorry." I say softly.

He shakes his head at me. "You had every right to saybwhat you said. I would have probably said the same thing." He say still running his fingers threw my hair. Just then he leans in and I knew what was bound to come next, but I wasn't ready for it and I quickly pull out of his grasp.

"I'm gonna see if Mickey could give me a ride home." I say then slip past him.

The ride home with Micjey was slow and aganizing.

"He kissed you didn't he?" He asks breaking the silance.

"No I backed away before he could." I answer truthfully.

He shakes his head at me sadly. "I know as well as you do you want to kiss him, you're just a chicken shit." He says making me scoff.

"Its more than that Mickey. I don't trust him." I say.

"He loves you and would do anything to keep you safe. What happened last night was Ashton's fault and mine for bringing the burban and bicarty." He says glancing at me.

"My two favorite licqurs." I say thinking aloud.

He shakes his head. "Emma what you did last night not only scared Luke, but it scared me and Calum too. You need to stop and put the bottle down, I know it's gonna be hard, but you gotta try." He says as we pull into my driveway.

I node "Thanks Mickey." I say then step out heading inside and go straight to'my room not bothering to even say hi to Alice.

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