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"Why are you moping?" Minhyuk came home from his trip to the store to walk in on Hoseok sprawled out on the floor.

He had been laying there for hours thinking about how he was just rejected with no thought. Yeah people get rejected all the time, no big deal, but something about Hyungwon rejecting him tugged at something inside him. It hurt.

Minhyuk placed the groceries in the kitchen before sitting himself next to the other on the floor. "So what's up with you? He asked, grabbing a chip out of the bag next to them. "You're never like this."

Hoseok sighed audibly before speaking. "You know that delivery boy?" Minhyuk hummed. "Well, we started hanging out a few weeks ago, which you knew obviously." He chuckled, thinking about that time that Minhyuk walked in on them. " A few days ago, we hung out again and we went over to his house. We watched a movie and went to sleep, nothing much y'know?"

"The next morning, I met his housemate or whatever, who was a huge fan of my videos and was confused as to why I was with Hyungwon. Hyungwon explained it to him and then he thought we were dating—."

"Are y'all not?" Minhyuk asked, interrupting his story.

Hoseok sighed before continuing. "No, Min, we're not. Anyways, I was like 'hey we could date if you want' and Hyungwon was like 'NO! NO!'. He was so quick to say it too. I don't know it kinda beat me up a bit."

"Yeah, I can tell." Minhyuk closed the bag of chips, placing them off to the side. "Have you thought that he's straight?"

"He's not because one we've made out, with him being fully okay with it, and second, he is the fruitiest man I've met."

"Okay then maybe he's not interested in a relationship. Honestly, I don't know how to help you because I'm single too. Wait. hold on!"

"So what's wrong?" Kihyun asked as Minhyuk let him into their apartment.

"Why'd you bring Ki all he does is lecture me!" Hoseok rolled over onto his stomach, laying face flat on the floor.

"Stop being a such a baby and get up!" Kihyun told him as he sat on the couch with the other. "Minhyuk said that you're heartbroken? Is it Hyungwon?"

"I'm not heartbroken! Just a little upset. That's all." Hoseok said as he sat up off the ground.

Kihyun had assumed that he was right about it being about Hyungwon. He sighed before speaking again. "I'm assuming it's from him saying no to dating a few days ago, am I right?" Hoseok nodded. "Okay well I can tell you for sure that he likes you and is most definitely into you. The only thing is that you just threw the idea of dating into the middle of a different conversation, so he was bound to be thrown off and couldn't actually answer right then and there. Sometimes I wonder what goes through your head."

Hoseok only mouthed 'o' after realizing that. Kihyun flicked him in the head as he did. "When will you learn how to not be stupid?" The boy grabbed his bag that was next to him, stood up, and began making his way to the door. "If that's all you needed, I'll be going now. I have a date to get to." And the door shut behind him.

"He's so sexy when he's being all smart." Minhyuk said, still staring at the door.

"He has a boyfriend. You know that right?"

"Yeah... But his boyfriend is hot too! Like that's not fair! I live in a world where I'm surrounded by taken hot people." Minhyuk said as he dramatically flopped onto the couch. Hoseok only chuckled at him before walking away to get his phone.

He stared at the contact on his screen carefully debating as to whether he should call him or not. After a minute or two, he decided to do it. The phone rang a bit before someone picked up.

"Hey, Hyungwon!"

"Who is this?" A voice answered through the phone. Though, it wasn't Hyungwon's.

"It's Hoseok? Wait— who has your phone?"

"Oh my god! I'm also Hoseok! Wait are you his—?" The boy was cut off by another screaming at him.

"Hello? Are you still there?" Hoseok questioned, concerned about what was going on on the other side of the line. "Hoseok? Hyungwon?"

"Sorry! My friend stole my phone while I was changing. He didn't say anything stupid did he?" The voice now belonged Hyungwon.

"No, he only told me his name. Also, how dare you replace me with another Hoseok! I though I was special." He joked.

"I didn't replace you, weirdo! Me and him have been friends forever. Y'all should meet!"

"Well actually, I called you because I wanted to hang out with you."

"HE WANTS TO GO ON A DATE!" Minhyuk's voice boomed from the other room.

"What'd he say?" Hyungwon questioned, hearing small giggles from his side.

"I want to go out with you." Hoseok said clearly so the other could hear him. He's usually really confident when it comes to flirting and stuff but at that moment, he could feel his heart racing, waiting for a response.

There was only loud laughter and a scream from the other side. After a minute, it went silent and he only assumed that he muted himself.

"Hyungwon? You can say no if you want. I meant to ask you instead of just saying that! Sorry!"

The phone was answered again. "Don't worry he'll answer in a bit. He's hyperventilating." The other Hoseok said with a smile clearly on his face from his voice.

Another minute went by before the phone was back to Hyungwon. "Sorry! Um... Yes y-yes! I mean yes, I'll go out with you." He responded with panic in his voice.

"Great! Are you free this weekend?" Hoseok was ecstatic, but tried to keep himself well composed while still on the phone.

"I have work but we can got once my shift ends. I'll go over to your place around like 6 or 7pm, alright?"

Hoseok agreed with the plans and sent him goodbyes before hanging up.



Sup losers. Just kidding uH sorry I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. Texas was hit with a bunch of snow a week-ish ago and since then i haven't done much of anything.

Anyways that's irrelevant. Steam Lose and Duality.

delivery boy -☾- hyungwonho [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now