"I hope so. It's too sad that a friendship broken just like that. I hope I can be useful for something like that."

"For now, let's test the waters of this Twin'verse. I hope my gaming skills can come in handy."

"This is not a game," Sophia said firmly.

"I know."

With everything Kokichi knew now, it was time to lay out the groundwork.

"When we get there," Sophia started as Kokichi found a reasonable place in Hope's Peak where no one would spot him or any warp holes that would suddenly appear and suck him into the Twin'verse and with clever thinking decided on a shady tree sitting at one of the branches covered in leaves, "Please follow me. I will teach you the basics and guide you, OK? And make sure to start calling me by my code name, got it?"

"Aye, aye, Sophia-chan," Kokichi said, as he did the mock salute. Kokichi knew the situation and with Sophia's experience, it was better to follow her lead, like Kokichi had followed other DICE member's lead in different types of missions out of his depth.

"So, are you ready?" Kokichi asked, and Sophia nodded inside the screen meaning she was. And so was he, so he clicked on the navigation app, on Natsumi's Court.

'Teleport commencing...' the same Monokuma voice piped out and the warp hole appeared as he knew, sucking him in...

And spitting him out, into another tree near Natsumi's Court along with Sophia, back in that white uniform and out of the screen. Kokichi found that his school uniform was replaced with the white and black suit that he wore last time when he summoned Napoleon.

Seeing Kokichi inspecting his clothes, Sophia commented, "These clothes will appear whenever you appear as a threat to the Court and considering our last time here..."

"Ah, that makes sense. So, what are we going to do now, Sophie?" Kokichi asked.

Sophia frowned a little before she said, "Well, you will need a code name. After all, who knows what will happen when you shout your own name in a world like this, and infiltrating the place like a criminal, it's safer to use a fake name, right?"

"Then, call me King," Kokichi settled, because it was just better to stick to one code name and let it be, duh. Plus he liked the name and he will be stubborn using it.

"OK... King," Sophia said, "Then, your phone... we will use it to scan the points of the rest of the Trials. It seems that you can teleport to them as well, so we will use that. Let's start from the second Trial and move from there. Too bad the map would be vague by then and we have to find the Trials ourselves. My logical conclusion to go about this is search the area, and scan any points to unlock more points on the map. Hopefully, we will be able to find all the Trials by then."

"OK, Sophie. Getting ready to teleport... in... 3... 2... 1," Kokichi said, clicking on the second Trial door that was on the map in his phone.

And they teleported with Kokichi back inside the mansion of a large double door with a scanner and chains. A screen even appeared, asking whether Kokichi wanted to do the trial. He pressed 'No.' Since that was not his mission today.

"OK..." Sophia said, "From here on out, we move. Make sure not to be spotted by enemies because it's better we conserve our energy than always fighting them."

"Got it," Kokichi said, "Codenames... sneaking around... makes me feel like a phantom thief again."

"Except we are not stealing anything," Sophia said, "We are just infiltrating the place and securing the Trials. Oh... hide, an enemy!"

As they were sneaking around the Court, they spotted one lone enemy blocking the path forward although they didn't notice them yet. There were no other paths going forward.

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