Chapter 7

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Hello so I haven't updated in awhile but High school's been very overwhelming

--------Luke's POV--------

Reggie put his arm through Julie's door knocking. "What are you guys doing?" Julie said. "We're being classy" Reggie replied before I pulled him back. I walked through Julie's door closely followed by Alex and Reggie.

"Why are you still here? We're going on in like 20 minutes."

"I lied to my dad so now I'm stuck in my room all night"

"We were just at the venue. I mean it's packed. Like full of VIPs, Managers. It's kind of crazy"

"What are we gonna do about my aunt? She's right down stairs"

I opened her window "Your aunt. You're no taking the stairs"

"Ok let me get dressed. I'll meet you guys there" Reggie and Alex poofed away just before I did leaving Julie alone.

-_-_-_-_TiMe SkIp-_-_-_-_

----------Reggie's POV---------

We watched Alex dance, Luke and I laughing and glancing at each other every few seconds. Alex poofed back to us and we stopped laughing instantly. "I was just doing that for you guys" He said clearing his throat. "Mmhmm? Yeah. You can stop smiling now." I said my eyebrows raised.

"I'm not gonna lie that was... kinda good"

"Yeah I forgot why I hate her so much"

The girls walked up to us "Hi girls isn't it past your bed time?"

"Now I remember" Flynn sighed.

"If your looking for Nick he didn't come"

"That's not why I'm here" Julie said which would have been a really cool exit line if Luke didn't have bad handwriting.

"Ok, it looks like we're closing the night with one more group, Julie and The Fat Ones"

We all looked at Luke who just said "Yeah man, my handwriting sucks"

Julie walked up onto the stage and sat behind the keyboard "It's actually Julie and The Phantoms......................................Ok" 

She started playing Finally Free

Hearts on fire

We're no liars

So we say what we wanna say

I'm awakened

No more faking

So we push all our fears away

Don't know if I'll make it 'cause I'm falling under

Close my eyes, and feel my chest beating like thunder

I wanna fly

Come alive

Watch me shine

We poofed on stage

I got a spark in me

Hands up if you can see

And you're a part of me

Hands up if you're with me

Now 'til eternity

Hands up if you believe

Been so long, and now we're finally free

We're all bright now

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