64: 'Cause I Might Not Say It Back

Start from the beginning

"Are you hungry?" Akaza asks, "What do you want to eat?"

"Uh, I don't know much about different Japanese dishes..." You mumble, "I've had a lot of rice and fish for the past few months so I guess that's fine."

That was the traditional Japanese meal. It was simple and healthy, so that dish is made a lot when you don't know what else to eat.

In all truth, demons don't even need to consume humans. Eating humans is not driven to satisfy hunger, it's to satisfy the hunger for power.

Which is why demons don't eat human food, not because they can't, but they don't benefit from it.

Bit it's not like it'll hurt demons if they have regular human meals.

"You're a foreigner, correct? From America?" Akaza ponders.

"Yeah, I'm from America. I came to Japan about two months ago."

Was it a bad idea to reveal that?

"What made you come here?"

"Uh, it was on a whim, you know? Last minute plans to avoid death," You kind of lied, "You know how it is."




"Well that's what happened. Anyway!" You point to an empty food stand on your left, "That banner has a picture of some bomb ass ramen. Let's go there?"

Akaza nods in agreement and walks to the stand.

"It's Soba by the way," Akaza tells you, "Not bomb ass ramen."

"Oh, I never had soba before!" You gush, "What's in it?"

Akaza stops in front of the stand: "You'll see."

It took some hardcore maneuver, but the pink haired demon manages to set you down on the stool, then he sits down on your left.

You had Johnathan in between you two so you can both admire her plain and simple beauty.

The woman behind the booth turns around and notices your guy's presence.

"Hi, what can I get you two?" She smiles.

"I'll have cold soba," Akaza replies.

She nods at him then turns to you, "And you miss? What would you like?"

Uhhhh... she wants to know... what... kind of soba you want?

"What kind of soba would you like?" Akaza asks.

"Um..." There are different kinds? "The hot one...?"

The corner of Akaza's lips quirk up in amusement, "She wants soba with hot broth."

The woman nods, "Yes! Oh! Please tell your wife her kimono is absolutely beautiful! Did she make it herself?"

You raise an eyebrow at a familiar word she just said: (W)Agatsuma.

You look at Akaza to ask about it, but to your surprise, he was blushing????

"Y-Yes, I will." He says a bit quietly, "And no, I picked it out for her. I thought m-my wife would look beautiful in it."

The woman squeals: "Oh, that's so romantic!"

The woman gushes before turning around to work on your meals.

"Hey, what did she say? You got embarrassed from it," You say bluntly.

It only made him more embarrassed: "Nothing."

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now