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The h/c let her head hit the window softly as the train sped past the green scenery, a small gasp leaving her lips when the compartment door was slid open.

"Montague, try opening the door a little harder, maybe then you'll break it off." She joked, watching as the boy motioned for her to quiet down. Furrowing her brows she watched as a black cat laid asleep in his arms. "I thought you had an owl." She whispered, making grabby motions towards him.

He placed the small feline in her lap, taking a seat across from her. "I do have an owl. That cat is not mine." He smirked.

She paused her stokes on its soft fur, her doe eyes watching him. "Who's cat is this?"

"If I'm correct, it's your cat." He shrugged, counting his remaining Sickles and hoping he had enough for the trolly lady.

"I don't have a cat." She pouted, "You know that."

"I do, but now you do." He smiled, eyes widening when the compartment door slid open.

"Where's my cat, Montague?" Flint's voice hissed as he made his way into their compartment.

"Wait, this is your cat?" Y/n frowned, revealing the sleeping familiar in her arms.

"Yes, he stole it." Marcus responded, hearing a scoff leave Montague's lips.

"I asked if I could borrow your cat." The male defended, pocketing his Sickles.

"To which I responded with a 'no'." Marcus informed the girl, taking the empty seat besides her. Grabbing his cat from her, but quickly letting go when he heard her wince. His familiar had clawed her clothed sleeve as a means to not get away from her warm embrace. "Guess he likes you."

Marcus had left the pair, stating he would return for his feline once the train stopped at the infamous Platform.

"I miss Penelope." She frowned.

"Where is she anyways?" Montague said, not sparing her a glance as he ate his Chocolate Frog.

"In the prefect compartment. They had a holiday meeting or something like that." She shrugged, watching as the cat finally opened its eyes. Bright copper eyes glanced at her face, standing up to stretch only to fall once again asleep in her lap.

"Maybe we'll see her out there." Montague motioned towards the window. "Come on, I'll help you with your bags."

The two stepped onto the platform, watching as parents embraced their children. Montague let out a grunt as he dropped his bag onto his suitcase. "Do you see your mom?"

The girl's eyes scanned the area, adjusting the small cat on her arms as she shook her head. "No, not yet. You?"

"Yeah." He stood on his toes waving towards the two figures in the back. "Are you okay by yourself?"

He had picked up his belongings, smiling when the girl nodded her head; hugged him goodbye. "Catch you later, Rosier." He winked as he made his way towards his parents.

She stood there for a moment, watching as the platform slowly grew empty. Her eyes shifted onto Marcus as he settled his things besides her own. "Can I have my cat back?"

She nodded her head slowly, slipping the creature into his arms and watching as he placed him into a cage. "Are your parents here?" She asked him curiously.

"They usually get here late." He placed his hands into his pockets. "What about yours?"

"They should be here." Her voice trailed off as she glanced at the grand clock behind him.

As if on cue she heard her mother called out to her, the short woman dodging people as she made her way towards her daughter. "Y/n, dear."

"And she's here." Y/n spoke sheepishly.

"I am sorry about that, darling." Her mother huffed a laugh. "I had the times mixed up." Endora's eyes shifted onto the boy besides her. "Marcus, good to see you son."

"Likewise." He stated, shaking her hand firmly.

The girl rolled her eyes at the two, picking up her belongings and hoping to get out of there soon. "Best be going, mum."

"Yes, yes." The older witch exclaimed, helping her with her bags. When the two began to walk away, Endora turned as she called out to the boy. "See you at Christmas dinner."

Y/n felt her eyes go wide, glaring at her mother as they went. "Why would you invite him and his family?"

"I didn't." Her mother defended, shrugging as she continued, "They invited us." A groan came from Y/n as she cursed under her breath.

𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐄𝐑 ❪ M. FLINT ❫Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum