Bakugo's Start Line

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"This was your big plan wasn't it??" Bakugo said angrily "YOU'VE BEEN PLAYING ME THIS ENTIRE TIME YOU BASTARD!!" Izuku said some really inspiring words it even shock Bakugo... Time was up and in the end, you and Izuku were the ones damaged the most..

"The hero team.... WINSSSS" AM announced.

"The indoor combat training is over" AM said. "What a weird way for this to end, the losers are practically untouched and the winners are both on the ground" Ojiro said "How does the old saying goes, they may have lost the battle but they won the war" Tokoyami said "This class is intense" Asui said.

You and Izuku were taken to the nurse's office. Bakugo was freaking out about the whole losing thing, so AM stepped out and placed his hand on his shoulder, "Young Bakugo, cool your jets, let's go review your work" he said, "Whether you win or lose you can always take something out of an experience like this, as long as you're open to learning" he continued. 

Person-To-Person Combat Training (Battle 1 Review)

"Well despite the results, the MPV for this exercise it young Iida" AM said, everyone was shock, how could it be Iida? He didn't even win.. "Shouldn't it be one of the heroes instead since they're the winners?" Asui asked "Hmm valid question, why did I choose one of those? WHO HAS A GUESS?" AM asked "Sir I can tell you why" Yaoyorozu said. 

"Iida embrace this challenge, he was the only one who truly adapted to his assigned role, I'll explain; Bakugo's judgement was clouded by a personal grudge against Midoriya, as he pointed out earlier, lunching a large-scale attack indoors was a foolish move, it could've been disastrous, similarly, Midoriya's plan was also poorly thought out, considering the amount of damage he received, he rendered himself helpless, not smart.

Y/n clearly couldn't do anything cause of her injures as for Uraraka, she let her guard down mid-battle and her finally attack was far too reckless, given the hypothetical stakes, if she treated the fake weapon as though it were real, she never would've risk using such an imprecise move. Iida was fully prepared for his opponent's arrival and he had a strategy, technically the hero team won, yes, but they took advantage of the fact that this was training, they didn't respect the spirit of the trial" she explained.

"Um, yes, well you overlooked a few things, young Iida could've relaxed a little bit during the exercise but, otherwise you nailed it" AM said giving her a thumbs up "One should always start with the basics and devote themselves wholeheartedly to learning, that's the only real way to become a top hero" she said.

"Now then, time to blow this joint, let's move on to the next match, think about everything we saw and discussed as you tackle this training for yourself" AM said "YES SIR" everyone answered. 

With Y/n and Izuku

You opened your eyes only to see that you were at recover girl's office again, you shifted a little but your head started to ache. "Ahh" you whined, "Oh it seems that you're up" RG said walking over to you, "You shouldn't move too much dear" she warned "Oh, um, ok" you said, you tilted your head just a little then you saw Izuku.

"Is he ok?" you asked worried, "No quite his arms are damaged and he's lost some of his strength" she said, you closed your eyes and sighed, "You should get some rest, your head was hit hard" she said walking back to her chair, "Okay" you said then slowly drifted to sleep.

10 Hours Later

"The second day of school and they're already a regular patient, why didn't you stop him AM?" recovery girl said to AM, AM coughed then said "You're right RG, I'm sorry" "Well it's no good apologizing to me" RG said turning to you and Izuku, "They're too exhausted from their classes for my quirk, I can't treat all their injuries at once" she complained "I did some first aid but after the IV is finished we'll have to wait for their bodies to heal overnight, come on AM, I know you passed your powers onto this boy but you can't spoil him" 

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