Roaring Muscles

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"Young man" AM said, you knew what he was going to say, thinking about it made you broke into tears "You too can become a hero" he continued, Izuku cried and cried you ran to his side and hugged him saying "You did it Izuku! You're gonna be a hero, dreams can become reality"...

This Is The Story About How Izuku And Y/n Became The World's Greatest Heroes

"I dim you worthy of my power, my quirk is yours to inherit" AM claimed, Izuku slowly lifted his head up and tilted it "Huh?" he said with a confused face "Wait what do you mean inherit?" he asked "Inherit what?" AM started laughing.

You stood up and offered to help Izuku up, he took your hand and stood with you "You should see the look on your face right now" AM said "Don't worry I'm not gonna force this thing on you" he said walking over to us.

"Listen well young man! This is your choice! DO YOU WANT TO ACCEPT MY AWESOME POWER OR NOT!?!!!" AM asked spitting out blood "Is that even a question?" you mumbled.

Izuku's mind: What is he talking about? What is this?

"There are couple things you should know about my abilities" AM started again "journalist always guess my quirk is super strength or some kind of invulnerability, when people ask in interviews I always make a joke and dodge the question" he continued

Y/n's mind: Is Izuku gonna get the quirk or not? I mean you can just give him first then you finish your speech I'm tired of waiting, I'm hungryyyyy

"It's because the world needs to believe that their symbol of peace is a natural born hero, like any of them but I'm not. There's nothing natural about my ability, I wasn't born with this power it's a sacred torch that was passed on to me from someone else" Both you and Izuku were shocked.

I mean he did tell you he was going to make a speech and all but you didn't know what he was gonna say. "Someone gave you this quirk? No way" Izuku stuttered "Yes way" AM said

Y/n's mind: Seriously

"And you're next" He continued "I can give you my abilities" "Wait hold on! This is a lot to process" Izuku stuttered again waving his hands all around accidentally hitting you.

"Hey!" you yelled slapping his hand away from you "It's true that there's a lot of debate as to what your quirk actually is nobody's ever figured it out it's one of the world's greatest mysteries, people are constantly talking about it online" Izuku started.

"Oh please don't go so-" you said "Well the idea of passing on a quirk or inheriting it just doesn't make any sense to me, I've never heard anything like that before, powers are supposed to be unique to each individual, I mean it's the first superpowers no one have ever been able to just give someone else their power like a present, that's crazy!" he continued.

You slowly backed away looking on Izuku with widen eyes "Is he okay or-" "If this is true causes jydsfnxcrdhgbhdfgeshddfesjdcvfdesuwsd" he continued to mumble.

"Hey, sounds like you're overthinking this whole inheriting thing" AM said "STOP NERDING OUT!!" you shouted, that got him back to reality "You'll have to adjust your reality and accept this new truth" AM said making stupid poses, you shocked you head at him.

"I can transfer my quirk to someone else and that's just on facet of my secret abilities" "Oh.." Izuku mumbled.

"Yes, one person improves the power, then hands to off to another person, it continues to grow as it's passed along, is it this cultivated power that allows me to save those who are need of a hero, the truth behind my strength" "But- why would you choose to give me a gift like that?" Izuku asked.

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