Someone Else

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Almost as if you spoke his name out loud, he snapped his head toward you and held it there. Pain shot through the front of your skull. You winced. Then just like that the black clad creature vanished from your sight.

You felt heat rising through your body. Daring you to do something incredibly stupid. You tried to maintain control, but you were succumbing to your anger. You were always in control. Even when you were falling apart internally, no one would ever know it because you had this grace about you. A realization that life would go on no matter how well or unwell you handled pain. But you were staring to lose sight of that realization. You flirted with the idea of making a break for it. You were fast....and scrappy. You could probably get to Mati's tent and save her before they would ever catch you.

Too late. 

About that time, you saw 2 troopers drag your sweet fragile grandmother out into the street.

"Where is it old woman?!" the taller one barked.

Mati didnt say a word. Only placed her wrinkled hands to the back of her head.

"We know your son knew where it was. Unfortunate for him, he would not cooperate. Hopefully you will not make the same mistake. Now tell us where it is, or ill fire this blaster right through your tired old skull!"

Son?  You obviously knew you had a father, but Mati never spoke of him much. Only that he was a spice runner that got caught up in the wrong deal and was killed. Your mother had died giving birth to you. What would your dad know about some artifact?

"Last chance old woman! Talk or die!"

Suddenly everything became very still in your mind. The noise faded around you, and your vision tunneled as tears streamed down your face. Mati looked at you with those sweet, warm brown eyes. Years of wisdom. pain, and joy crinkled at the corners of her eyes as she smiled at you. A voice echoed through your mind as if the person speaking was in a tunnel. It was Mati's voice.

"Dont be afraid of who you are Y/N. The light...and the dark. Embrace all of it. Trust only in the Force. I love you, sweet child."

You felt so many emotions. Confusion, fear, anger...power? 

You let out as shaky breath as a blast of red flashed before your eyes and your sweet Mati fell limp into the dust. 

Something inside you snapped.

 Every emotion you had ever felt came rushing to the surface in a  powerful way that you couldnt control. Tendrils of pure rage and despair coarsed through your veins like acid, and as all of the feeling that you were normally in control of let loose, you threw your head back and screamed at the sky.

You had no idea what happened next. 

A shockwave of raw energy blast out in a circular direction all around your body. You gasped in horror as you realized the blast of power came

Every stormtrooper that had been near you had been killed by that blast.

Tears poured down your face as you stared at your violently shaking hands. Realizing there was nothing left for your once beautiful village, you made a break for the woodline. Barefoot and bloody, you half limped, half ran as your body feeling weaker and weaker from the effects of what just happened. You heard blasters leave their holsters and the clank of armor as troopers chased after you. Searing pain shot through your leg as a blaster fire grazed your leg. 

You fell to the ground in anguish. It wasnt supposed to be this way. You had so much life left to live. Hate poured into your body like venom. You wanted to kill more of them. You wished you knew how to conjure up that power again. What was that? You remembered Mati's words:

"....Trust only in the Force."

The Force.

What the kriff was The Force and how were you supposed to even use it if you didnt even know what it was?!

About thirty stormtroopers piled up on you, blasters pointed straight at your head. This was it. You were gonna die here in the woods, over an artifact that you neither knew existed, nor cared about. You mustered up the courage to die well at least, and letting out a sharp sigh, you stood up and pressed your head to the barrel of the blaster.

"Do you it you fucking cowards!" you seethed.

Suddenly a blast of force hit your body, sending you hurtling backwards onto your back. You scrambled to get to your feet, but by that time you saw a flash of red from the storm trooper's weapon. You closed your eyes and braced yourself for it.

But it never came.

Only a lingering buzzing noise permeated your ears. You slowly opened your eyes and to your horror and relief, you saw the blaster fire frozen in place. It vibrated and pulsated as if pushing against an imaginary....force

You watched as all the stormtroopers stood down and split into 2 columns. There, between the 2 columns, stood the creature with his arm outstretched towards the frozen blast. He was holding it there. He walked toward you slowly. Calculating. Questioning. 

In his hand he held a sword made of some sort of red flame. The crossguard also had flames emitting from either side of the hilt. It was the most terrifying weapon you had ever seen. Was that what they called a lightsaber? The same weapon you had read about the legends of old wielding? The laser swords that could cut through anything?

You shuttered.

Your head began to pound as you tried taking all of it in. All of the events from the day left you confused and aching with pain. It was all just a bad dream. It had to be.

The creature in black approached you and squatted down. His mask was terrifying. Silver metal bars framed across it, just under the eye piece, which was the blackest black you had ever seen. It was like staring into a void... a form of hell. Fear gripped you like you had never felt before and your heart sank. You swallowed.

The creature cocked his head sideways as if intrigued by you. Then you saw his mask tilt downwards, scanning your body. You instantly felt ashamed as you realized you were still soaking wet and your knee-length, white sundress was see-through. Your white lace bra stood out against your drenched skin. You looked down in embarrassment. 

"Who are you?"

The deep modulated voice startled you and sent goosebumps down your body. 

The creature was human? 

Against your better judgment, you chose to stay silent.

"Mmm... you dont want to play this game with me little girl. You will regret it."

Still you said nothing.

You remembered Mati and anger pooled in your stomach. 

"Why did you kill her? She was all i had!" you cried.

"Who are you? Where did you learn to use the force?" his voice was becoming impatient.

The Force. So it IS real? Is that what the power that came from your body was?

"Dont you know the answer to that already?" Kylo responded.

Your eyes widened as you realize he read your thoughts. The supreme leader stood up swiftly and walked a few steps away from you before turning on his heel, igniting his saber, and holding it up to your throat. The flames licked at your neck. It was as if the weapon had a mind of its own. Unstable and wicked intent. It was also true of the one who wielded it.

"WHO. ARE. YOU?" Kylo Ren spat as his fists clenched.

You figured you had better answer this time.

"Im no one." you stated weakly.

"Ive seen alot of Outter Rim trash, but ive never seen one kill fifteen of my men with one blast. No this is something are Someone else." he gripped your jaw and turned your face to the side, examining your features. You flinched. He dropped his hand agressively and you were sure there were red fingerprints in your jaw. Then everything went hazey. 

Your senses faded as you saw his  gloved hand wave over your face. The last thing you felt was firm, strong arms picking you up and carrying you into a ship. The last thing you smelled was leather and embers.

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