I bit into it, and the new flavor burst in my mouth. It was heavenly. Absolutely delicious! "This is amazing, Augusto." I complimented him with my mouth full just as the doorbell rang. "Ah, that must be Summer and Finn."

I slid off the chair and went to the front door to see James opening it and Summer and her fiancée with their mouths open. 

"Summer!" I greeted with a huge smile and half-ran towards her. I tackled her in a huge hug which she gladly returned. 

"Oh, babe I've missed you!" She mumbled into my hair and pulled back. "You're looking great!"

"Thank you," I smiled and complimented her back. "You're looking very Summery." Her black hair was pulled into a high bun at the top of her head. She was sporting on leggings with a long trench coat over the rest of her body.

"Finn, you've been treating my best friend well?" I asked smiling pulling him into a hug. It was almost difficult since Peyton was already in his arms excited to see his Uncle Finn again.

"Like a queen," he remarked kissing me on the cheek. "Question is, Parker treating you well?"

My smile faltered a bit but regained it instantly. "I'm alive, aren't I?" I joked. "Come on in and welcome to my lovely home. You guys are probably starving."

"Don't you know it," Summer grinned and hooked her arm through mine. "Now, Elle. You do know you have a lot to catch me up on."

"Well, I'm glad we have the whole entire afternoon to ourselves," I winked noticing just how much I had missed Summer. "This school year been great so far?" I asked leading them to the living room finally using the new furniture I had ordered for company. 

"Much better than the last, I can guarantee you that!" Summer remarked sitting down right beside me. Peyton and Finn were on the couch opposite us playing with each other. Peyton was showing him the new story book Parker bought for him last week. "Bloody Elle... This is one beautiful house you're living in. Of course, with Parker as your husband, you can't expect anything less. You lucky gal. I wish I was the damsel in distress and my knight in shining armor came to retrieve me!"

"You regret saying yes to my marriage proposal, sweetheart?" Finn piped up teasingly. 

"Oh it was only my pitying conscience that made me say yes, darling," Summer fired back just as teasingly. "You know I wouldn't trade you for the world!" She said in a more serious tone.

I smiled at their cute comments to each other. All I had ever wanted was to find love just like theirs. I guess I could never have that anymore with me bounded to a loveless marriage now. 

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" I looked up to see James standing respectfully a few meters away. 

"Ah yes. Can you bring us the scrumptious snacks Augusto brought together for us?" James nodded and quickly left.

"Augusto?" Summer asked wonderingly bringing her feet and legs up on the couch making herself comfortable. She leaned against the cushions with her direction towards me.

"The chef."

"A chef and a butler," my best friend said appreciatively. "Impressive. Props to Parker for that! By the way, where's that other darling boy of yours?" She asked referring to Luke.

"Parker's home!" Luke squealed just as he heard the doorbell ring. He stood up from his spot on the ground with Peyton and ran off towards the front door. His routine every evening was to wait patiently (and sometimes impatiently) for Parker to get home and open the door for him.

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