T w e n t y F i v e

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Although I'm not exactly on good terms with the local police department, I took Drew there to explain what happened. We're both sitting at a desk with a middle aged woman, officer Bensen I think her name is. Drew is wearing my jacket, she holds the flaps round her chest protectively and I watch her lip quiver as she tries to talk to the officer.

"I told you, I don't know who it was." she rushes, not making eye contact wit ithr of us.

"There were no signs of forced entry in your house, indicating that you must have let the attacker in or he had a key. Drew, I want to help you, so you need to help me."

Drew says nothing, she just slumps farther back into her seat, making Bensen sigh.

"Would you at least mind meeting with a sketch artist?" she asks.

"I already said I didn't see his face."

"Then you can describe what he was wearing, how tall he was, how his voice sounded." Bensen pushes, her voice soft and gentle.

Drew purses her lips, then slowly nods. Bensen thanks her and walks off. When she's gone, I turn my face to Drew, and look at her face. Her eyes are still glossy, but she blinks away any stray tears. Her bottom lip is quivering with fear, small, jagged breaths escape her mouth. Her arms are crossed over her chest and her legs clamped together. When I touch my hand to her back, I feel just how much she's shaking.

I don't speak, I just take in the whole thing. If the guy never forced his way in, then she must know him. At first I think Liam, as an impulse, but rule him out just as quickly. I couldn't, nor do I want to, imagine Liam do something like that. Next, Zayn. Even after the dig I took at Perrie, Zayn has been my friend for too long, and doesn't know where Drew lives.

I end up going through my friend, and enemy, list. I rule out Adam, since I haven't spoken to him in some time since the incident, and all of my past buyers I've had conflicts with.

I'm left with Chris. It has to be him, he knows about Drew, he knows how to hurt me through her, and he has motive to. He's the only person that would do this, he absolutely loathes me. The feeling it mutual. I feel anger boil up inside me, pulsing through my veins. I want to find him, and grab him by the jaw, throw him five feet, and kick him in the face until his jaw comes unhinged. I want to watch the blood pour from his mouth while he begs for mercy. Chris doesn't know how dangerous I am, he's never known because he's had people to protect him.

But before I think of storming out to find him, I have to ask Drew. Her behaviour isn't what an almost-rape victim's behaviour is supposed to be. She's supposed to be shaken up, crying, begging for justice. But Drew is just blankly staring at the ground. It makes me wonder what really happened before I showed up, and what would have happens if I didn't show up.

"You know something." I say, earning a glare from her.

She swallows hard and sighs.

"I know what would have happened to me if you didn't show up, you saved me. You're a hero, Harry."

She wraps her frail, shaking arms around me and whispers thank you. She's avoiding it.

"Tell me what happened, from the start, please." I beg, pulling her back by her shoulders.

"I really wanna for-"


She looks at me, into my warning eyes, and sniffles.

"Tell me or I'll walk out of here." I scold.

It's harsh, but it works. She let's out a shaky breath and a tear falls from her eye, a real tear, a tear of agony.

"I was in the main room, watching TV, a-and someone knocked on the door. I o-opened it and no one was there, so I closed it. I didn't lock it, so I-I went up to my room, and then someone covered my mouth." she pauses, wiping various tears from her eyes. "I b-bit him and he let go, so I screamed. Then, he threw m-me down, a-and ripped my s-s-shorts, and, and..."

At this, she breaks down crying and I wipe a few of her falling tears. When she recovers, I shake my head, clenching my jaw. She's lying, the main room TV wasn't on when I came in. She looks at me through her tearful eyes, and I hand her a tissue.


It's when I take her back to her house that I get angry. Shelied to me. Why would she lie to me about this? It must be because it wasn't rape, like she claimed. Maybe it was her idea. If it wasn't, shed want to catch the guy that did this, not protect him. Now I sit with her on her couch, while she watches MTV, clutching my jacket around herself.

I'm sitting a distance away from her, for her comfortability and mine. If I can't trust her, I don't want to be near her. But to know if she lied, I'll have to pry. I look over at her, she's no longer crying, but ghost trails of her tears are dry on her cheeks, and her eyes re still puffy and red. Otherwise, she seems content.

"The TV wasn't on when I came in." I say balantly, staring ahead.

"Oh, I-I uh, turned it off before I went upstairs."

This is getting to be too much.

"See now that's a lie. And I hate liars Drew, I hate them." My voice holds no tone of sympathy, just judgment.

"I'm not fucking lying Harry!" she stands up defensively and pushes past me, walking into the kitchen, I follow.

"Just tell me who it was! I know you know! Why are you protecting him, did you want it?" I scream, earning a sting on my right cheek from her.

She stumbles back after hitting me, so she's against the counter.

"How dare you say that!" her voice cracks, what a good actress.

"How dare you slut it up with random guys! Tell me, are you really a virgin? How many dicks have been inside your dirty ass pussy? Huh?"

Her hand comes at me again, but I dodge it. Her hands slam against my chest and push me back, but only slightly.

"You asshole! How could you say that? You know I'm not like that!"

"Do I? Because maybe you're just crying rape because you didn't want me to catch your cheating ass!" Now I'm screaming straight in her face, and I see the tears well in her eyes.

I remain strong, I don't give into the pained look in her eyes, because it's fake. When she realizes she's not getting anything out of me, she buries her face in her hands, not bothering to silent her cries.

"Why? Nothing to say? Because you know that I know who you really are. A slut." I say calmly now.

She doesn't say anything, she just waves me off and leans back onto the counter. I take a glass that's beside me and throw it at the wall across the room, making Drew jump. I watch her slide down the side of the counter, her breathing in short, choppy heaves. It's then that I realize how far I've gone. Yelling was one thing, but calling her a slut and throwing things has her on the ground, afraid of me.

Who am I.


Double update whoop whoop

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